amazarashi 逃避行 english translation
amazarashi 逃避行 song lyrics
amazarashi 逃避行 translation
地下鉄にへばり付いたガム踏んづけて もう何もかも嫌になった
I stepped on gum that was stuck to the subway and felt like I couldn't stand anything anymore
ああもう全部止めだ ここにしがみ付いてる価値はない
Ah, just stop everything already. There's no value in sticking around here
そもそも前から気に食わなかった イライラすんのは割りにあわない
I didn't care for this place from the start; it's not worth getting mad over
辛酸舐める日々の逆境 夢が重荷になってりゃ世話ねぇ
The adversity of days spent experiencing hardship, if my dreams have become a burden then there's no helping it
磨り減ったスニーカーじゃ 雨の日は上手く走れない
I can't easily run on rainy days with worn-out sneakers
磨り減った魂じゃ 辛いとき上手く笑えない
I can't easily laugh in difficult times with a worn-out soul
たまらずに人ごみを走った 今思えばあれが始まりだ
I ran through the crowds of people, unable to endure it. When I think about it now, that was the beginning
押しつぶされた僕の逃避行 上手く行かなけりゃ死んでやるぜ
My escape from society, beaten down. If it doesn't go well, I'll show them all and die
「死に損なった」って言うより 「生き損なった」ってのが正しい
It's more fitting to say I failed to die than to say I survived
そんな僕らの長い旅が たった今始まったばかりだ
For those of us like that, our long journey has only just begun
自由に生きたいと思えば思うほど 向かい風は勢いを増した
The more I thought that I wanted to live in freedom, the stronger the headwinds blew against me
結局どこに行ったって 問題はそれなりにあるもんだ
In the end, no matter where I go, every place has its own problems
でも それなら なおさら 僕は僕を選ばなきゃいけない
But if that's how it is, then that's all the more reason I have to choose myself
終わりが訪れた時 後悔しない僕に出会いたい
When the end comes for me, I want to see myself with no regrets
振り切った臆病が 馬脚現せと狙ってる
The cowardice I managed to shake off is aiming to expose me for who I really am
乗り切った困難は 姿を変えて襲い掛かる
The troubles I overcame are changing their appearance and bearing down on me
銃弾の雨を掻い潜った これが僕の選んだ戦場
I slipped through a rain of bullets; this is the battleground I chose
夢や時給や社会体の 奴隷になってる暇はないぜ
I don't have time to be a slave to my dreams, hourly wages, or society as a whole
「生きながらえた」って言うより 「生かされてる」って方が正しい
It's more fitting to say I'm being kept alive than to say I survived
そんな僕らの長い旅は 決して孤独なんかじゃなかった
For those of us like that, our long journey was by no means a lonely one
僕等を走らせるなら きっとなんだっていい
If it gets us to run, then I'm sure anything is fine
恩義でも逃避でも 世間体でも逆恨みでも
Even if it's an obligation, an escape, how society sees us, or being hated unjustly
The problem is how far we can go
How long can we keep on fighting?
そもそも前から気に食わなかった きっかけなら何でも良かった
I didn't care for this place from the start; I was looking for any reason at all
あのへばり付いたガム踏んでやろう そいつのせいにしてやろう
I'll go and step on that gum that's stuck there and blame my feelings on that
僕の場合は逃げ出したいから なのに今も戦っているよ
Because in my case I want to run away, but despite that I'm still fighting now
I think things are fine that way
たまらずに人ごみを走った あの日のスピードで生きたいな
I ran through the crowds of people, unable to endure it. I want to live my life with the speed I had on that day
掴み取るその理想の重さ 僕らの悔し涙と等価
The weight of the ideals we hold so tightly, equivalent to our tears of frustration
死に場所を探す逃避行が その実 生きる場所に変わった
My escape from society to find a place to die, in fact, became a place to live
そんな僕らの長い旅の 先はまだまだ遠いみたいだ
For those of us like that, it seems the end of our long journey is still far, far away