amazarashi デスゲーム english translation

amazarashi デスゲーム song lyrics
amazarashi デスゲーム translation
吹き消される命は テレビラジオの向こう側 フルHDの光沢でも 悲劇は鮮明に映らず
The life that was blown out is at the opposite side of the TV radio, even with full HD gloss, tragedy isn't reflected vividly
ルサンチマンはネットで 不埒な世界を呪うβテスト 虚しい虚しくないは今夜の バラエティーを見終わったら
Resentment is the β-test that curses the vicious world at the net. Empty, not empty, if I finish watching today night's variety show
部屋から出られないのは コミュニケーション不全の弊害 週刊誌の受け売りだが 当人は全く無自覚
What wouldn't get out from my room, would be the adverse effects of my communication insufficiency It is a weekly published second-handed opinion, but the people in question are not aware of that.
アイロニーで言うだけじゃ 伝わらないこの気持ちは コンビニの一番隅 埃をかぶってる粗悪品
The feelings that can't be conveyed by saying them with just irony, are the poor quality products covered in dust at the other side of the convenient store's first corner

ああ 一滴の涙が 海に勝るとは知らなかったな
Oh I did not know that the drop of tears would outweigh the ocean

今世紀のデスゲーム 厭世的デスゲーム
This century's Death Game, pessimistic Death Game
冷笑の365日の向こうに何がある? 僕らの首を絞めてるのは この中に居る誰かだ
What is there beyond the 365 days of cynics? It is someone who is squeezing our heads
悲観主義では逃げ出せない 時代のクローズドサークル 悪い奴は誰だ 悪い奴は誰だ
Unable to escape with pessimism in this era's closed circle Who's the bad guy? Who's the bad guy?

一番正気なものが 一番滑稽な事もある 一番正しいものが ひょっとして一番悪かも
The sanest one is also the most humorous. The most correct might as well be the most evil
見過ごした些細なものに 寝首をかかれる事もある 「安心しろ」と言う奴に 背中を見せてはいけない
The trivial thing that's overlooked, can also cut our necks in our sleep. You can't show your back to the guy who says "Relax"
人殺しの道具が 人一人の価値に勝る 疑心暗鬼の密室では 頼れるのは自分だけだ
A murder's weapon surpasses the value of one single person, in a sealed room of paranoia, the one trusting is only me
追い詰められてる焦燥 今なら間に合うはずだが 「救ってよ」って叫びも どこか他人事の当事者
With impatience cornered, I could make it on time if it's now but, the scream "Save me" is someone else's affair somewhere

ああ 一滴の涙が 海に勝るとは知らなかったな
Oh I did not know that the drop of tears would outweigh the ocean

今世紀のデスゲーム 厭世的デスゲーム
This century's Death Game, pessimistic Death Game
冷笑の365日の向こうに何がある? 僕らの首を絞めてるのは この中に居る誰かだ
What is there beyond the 365 days of cynics? It is someone who is squeezing our heads
悲観主義では逃げ出せない 時代のクローズドサークル 悪い奴は誰だ 悪い奴は誰だ
Unable to escape with pessimism in this era's closed circle Who's the bad guy? Who's the bad guy?

正義も悪もない 事実は物語よりもくだらない 悪意で悪事を働く 悪人の影さえ見えない
There's no Justice nor Evil. Facts are more ridiculous than tales I can't even see the shadow of the villain who acts in bad faith
エピローグ間近のこの世界で生き残るなら 一番正しい奴を疑え 自分自身をまず疑え
If you manage to survive this world's upcoming epilogue. Be wary of the most correct guy. Be wary of you yourself first.

今世紀のデスゲーム 厭世的デスゲーム
This century's Death Game, pessimistic Death Game
冷笑の365日の向こうに何がある? 僕らの首を絞めてるのは おそらく無自覚な奴だ
What is there beyond 365 days of cynicism? It is probably a unaware person who is strangling our head
悲観主義では逃げ出せない 時代のクローズドサークル 悪い奴は誰だ 悪い奴は誰だ
Unable to escape with pessimism in this era's closed circle Who's the bad guy? Who's the bad guy?