amazarashi Star Light english translation

amazarashi Star Light song lyrics
amazarashi Star Light translation
All of the little things surrounding us are of no special consequence to us
Neither are these treasures piling up in the palms of our hands
出会うべくして出会った 奇跡のように光はなった
We met as a matter of course, led along by a miraculous light
ガラクタも 重なれば 僕を形作った
And with the scraps laying all about, so was molded this body of mine
もう駄目だって挫けそうな 時にだけ輝くものが
There exists those who will only shine once
つまり いつだって胸の奥に眠ってる
At the moment they are about to fall apart

屑みたいな ゴミみたいな 小さな星を見つけたんだ
Just like a speck of dust or a piece of garbage, I happened to spy a tiny star
掴めはしなくても その明かりで 僕らは 前に進むよ
We may never hold it inside our hands, but even so we head out to chase after its light

夜の向こうで何かが待ってて それを照らして スターライト スターライト
There is surely something waiting beyond the night. Light it in your brilliance, starlight. Starlight
情熱 希望なんでもいいけど 僕らはここに居ちゃ駄目だ
We don't move forward out of passion or hope. It simply hurts to stay here any longer
片道切符は承知だジョバンニ 涙は捨てろ スターライト スターライト
We know it's a one way ticket, Giovanni.So let's wipe away our tears. Starlight. Starlight
きっといい事ばかりじゃないけど だからこそ 僕らは行くんだよ
Though we know that some bad will be mixed in with the good,all the more reason that we have to trudge on forward

ここまでの旅路を思い出してよ 胸が張り裂けそうな痛みも
I think back on the journey we've had so far, and the pain threatening to rip open our chests
死にたい程辛い時だってあったろう いつだったろう
There were times it got so bad we wanted to die. So many times
And every time I would speak this single line to myself
「ここが始まりだ 始まりだ」って 涙こらえたよ
"This is where it starts, where it all starts," I had to hold back the tears
終わりがどこにあるかなんて 考えるのはもう止めた
I used to wonder where the journey would end. But I've learned to stop worrying about it
つまり 言い換えれば全部が 僕次第
Simply put,everything I do now will be entirely on me

屑みたいな ゴミみたいな 小さな僕だって光るから
I'm the tiny star that shines exactly like a speck of dust or piece of garbage
見つけて欲しいんだよ この声を 今すぐ空に投げるよ
I just want someone to find me, so with this voice of mine I'll cry out to the heavens

夜の向こうで誰かが待ってて それを見つけて スターライト スターライト
There is surely someone waiting beyond the night.Won't you please find them, starlight? Starlight
愛だ恋だって解らないけど 僕らは一人では駄目だ
I'm not sure if this is what they call true love or not. I just don't want to be alone anymore
愛する人は守れカムパネルラ 弱気は捨てろ スターライト スターライト
Always protect the ones you love, Campanella. So let's threw away weakness. Starlight. Starlight
きっと悪い事ばかりじゃないよ 隣に あなたが居るなら
There will surely be some good mixed in among the bad. Just so long as I have you right here with me

星めぐりの旅は続く 続く 終わらない
Our journey across the heavens carries on, carries on, it will never end
オリオンの右肩で歌う 歌う 鷲は紅い目玉
And we sing, oh we sing, from Orion's right shoulder all the way to Aquila's crimson eye
泣くな 泣くな 旅人よ 故郷の姫りんごついばんだ
Do not cry. Do not cry, all you poor pilgrims. Your hometown's princess is pecking at apples
鳥になるか 鳥になるか そんな 夢をみたよ 涙も枯れたよ
Will she become a bird? Will she become a bird? That was the dream I had last night. And my tears withered away

夜の向こうに答えはあるのか それを教えて スターライト スターライト
Beyond the night I wonder if there's an answer. Won't you please let me know, starlight? Starlight
失望 挫折うんざりしながら それでも 何かを探してる
I'm in the midst of despair, failure, and tedium. But that's not the reason for me to give up the search
近づけば遠くなるカシオピア 今は笑えよ スターライト スターライト
It grows further the closer you get, Cassiopeia. Now we are laughing. Starlight, Starlight
いつか全てが上手くいくなら 涙は通り過ぎる駅だ
If everything works out for the best in the end, then these tears will just have been a stop on the way