amazarashi 花は誰かの死体に咲く english translation
amazarashi 花は誰かの死体に咲く song lyrics
amazarashi 花は誰かの死体に咲く translation
街路樹も染まるから 素知らぬ顔で赤色 裏切られた気分で 寒空の下で
Walking by roadside trees tainted by the red of feigned ignorance, I feel betrayed underneath the winter sky
嫌なニュースばかりで 耳を塞いでいたら
If you shut your ears to the bad news
発車のベルを聞き逃して 南無阿弥陀仏
You'll also miss the bell of the train as it leaves. God have mercy
母親のあきれ顔 寒々とした旭町 非暴力の近海で爆撃機が飛んで
As a bomber plane passed the nearby seas of Asahi, my mother gazed in fear
生活と空想 世俗と現実逃避の成れの果て
Life and fantasy are the remains of worldliness and escapism
人類が誕生し約七百万年 今日までに死んだ人の全ての遺体が
Since the birth of humanity some 7 million years ago, the bodies of those passed away up til now
土に埋まってんなら 君が生きてる町も
If they lay in the ground, surely that includes even your town
In fact, the whole world must be one large graveyard
ぞっとしない話しだが それに救われたんだ
It may be distasteful yet I found solace in that idea
That the skyscrapers and apartments are gravestones, in a sense
憂鬱も悲しみも思い出も 分解してくれないか
My depression, sorrow and memories as well, won't you take them apart?
綺麗でもなんでもねえ 小さな花が咲いた
It's nothing beautiful but a small flower blooms
君の無様の肯定 やむにやまれず生きて 名付けられもしないで
And affirms your uncouth nature. Live as if you don't have a choice and remain unnamed
捨てられた生ゴミも 悔やみきれず死んでも
The tossed out kitchen waste, the dead who lay with their regrets
Or even somebody's unfulfilled dreams
一つ残らず土に還るのだ 花は誰かの死体に咲く
Without exception, they'll return to the ground and a flower will bloom over their corpse
町が夜を追い出そうとするから夜空の下 大げさに騒いでは炎を焚いた
The town attempted to run off the night and a flame scorched loudly under its sky
ビルの明かり 街灯 電飾看板など ついに都市は孤独を克服したのだ
With city lights, streetlamps and illuminated billboards, the city overcame its loneliness
それでも田舎の夜を 一人で彷徨うより
Why then, from when I wandered alone in the countryside
Do I feel ever increasingly alone in this city?
きっと人と比べてしまうから 僕の幸福は相対的だった
Surely when I began comparing myself to others, my happiness was merely relative
綺麗でもなんでもねえ 汚れた友が笑えば
It's not a fair sight but when my shallow friends laugh
僕の失敗の肯定 選べなかった道で 恥も外聞もねえ
It affirms my failures. On this path I didn't choose, I've no shame or reputation to uphold
抱きしめたあの人も 向かい風の嘲笑も 讃えられる事なかった君の勝利も
That person I held close, the sneers carried by the headwinds or even your victories, left unpraised
一つ残らず土に還るのだ 花は誰かの死体に咲く
Without exception, they'll return to the ground and a flower will bloom over their corpse
かつての戦場に人が営んだとて 悲惨な事件の現場に花手向けたとて
Even if we build upon a former battleground, offer flowers on the sites of tragic events
捨てられた町に未だ木々が根付くとて 祖父へのお供え物に虫がたかるとて
Even if the trees of an abandoned town continue to take root or pests gather on the gifts to my late grandfather
虚しさに生きてその最中に笑えよ さよならは一瞬だその最中に歌えよ
While living, laugh in the midst of depression, sing for those farewells that last but a single moment
朽ちる命抱きしめて泣きじゃくる晩は 踏みしめてる土に祈れ生命賛歌
On the eve that you sob and clutch to this rotting life, walk the trodden earth and offer a eulogy to life
綺麗でもなんでもねえ 命が今日も笑えば
It's not beautiful at all but when life continues to laugh today
人の傲慢の肯定 逃れられぬ命を 逃げるように生きてよ
It affirms humankind's arrogance. Live as if you're running from an inescapable fate
笑い合えたこの日々も 失くした日の痛みも
The days we laughed together, the pain of days we lost
Or even these days that could be cut short
一つ残らず土に還るのだ 花は誰かの死体に咲く
Without exception, they'll return to the ground and a flower will bloom over their corpse