amazarashi 美しき思い出 english translation
amazarashi 美しき思い出 song lyrics
amazarashi 美しき思い出 translation
この世界に 嘘しかないなら こんなに楽な事はないよな
If in this world we'll find nothing but lies, we'd never enjoy it this much would we?
たまに本当が まざっているから 面倒くさいけど 信じてみるんだ
And because the truth is somewhere in the mix, tough as it is sometimes, we try to believe.
辛いことや悲しいことは 時間が解決してくれると言うけれど
I can't remember all the times I've been told, that time is the one thing that heals all wounds.
嬉しいことや楽しいことも 少しずつ薄れてしまうよ
But when it comes to all the things you enjoy, it's the same thing that makes them all fade away.
だったら明日のことだけ 考えて生きていきたいな
And if that's true, then I'd like to live only thinking about tomorrow instead.
それが出来ない僕等は 時々こうやって思い出す
But that's not something we're able to do, so we satisfy ourselves by reminiscing.
吉祥寺の街中 手をつないで見上げた青い空
In downtown Kisshouji, holding hands and gazing at the blue sky.
桟橋に座ってみた花火 登校拒否 夏の夕暮れ
Sitting on the pier watching fireworks, ditching school ‘til summer twilight came.
飲みすぎて ゲロ吐いた 中野の駅前
Drank to the point we threw it all up in front of Nakano station.
月明かりを反射して キラキラしてた
Reflecting the moonlight, it shined like the stars.
あの娘のピアス イライラする 美しき思い出
A girl with pierced ears made me so annoyed. Such beautiful memories.
忘れたいこと 忘れたくないこと
All I want to forget. Is everything I couldn't bear.
生きることと死んでしまうこと 考えだすと 頭がおかしくなりそうだ
Living and finally dying. When I think about it, I can't shake the thoughts out of my head.
結局僕が抱えられる荷物は この両手に納まる分だけ
All of the baggage that I'm holding onto is about all that'll fit inside these two hands.
だったらそれでいいよな 人から見ればゴミくずみたいな
But do I really need anything else? Sure, other people might just think it's all trash.
不恰好な思い出をつれて 僕は未来へ向かうとするよ
Bringing my awkward memories in tow, I take a shot at heading into the future.
あの娘に手を引かれて 病院へ向かう途中の長い坂
That girl led me along by the hand, up a long hill towards the hospital.
虹色のレジャーシート レスポール 青森の星空
Sat on a rainbow-dyed picnic sheet with a Les Paul. Green forest under starlit sky.
逃げたくて 吐き捨てた ナイフみたいな言葉
Wanted to escape and I spitted out words as harsh as a kitchen knife.
張り裂けたあの子の心 ジグソーパズル
Her heart broke to pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle.
たりないひとかけら 美しき思い出
And a puzzle piece was missing. Such beautiful memories.
忘れたいこと 忘れたくないこと
All I want to forget. Is everything I couldn't bear.
今この手の中 この胸の中 大事なものが幾つかあるよ
Here in the palm of my hands, and the depths of my heart, rest so many very important things.
失くした数だけ 壊した数だけ 愛するという事の価値を知るんだ
Only the things I've lost. Only the things I've broken. And now I know what it truly means to love.
だったら失敗ばかりの僕等は 人より愛することが出来るはず
So all of us, with all our mistakes, should be better at love than any other human on Earth.
だから ほら 思い出してみるんだよ 忘れたいこと 忘れたくないこと
So come on, look deep into your memories. All you want to forget. All you could never bear to.
誰かに笑われてる気がして 外に出られなくなった事
When I thought someone was laughing at me and I wanted to hole up in my little room.
あの子の家から帰る途中 目白通りで見た朝焼け
When I left that girl's house for my own and was greeted by the dawn on Mejiro Street.
幼い頃感じた父の背のぬくもり 西新宿 故郷の海
When I felt the warmth of my father's back in West Shinjiku, my hometown by the sea.
白紙のノート 置き去りの夢 行かないで 行かないで 蝉時雨
A blank notebook, dreams cast aside. Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Cicadas sing.
才能あるのに死んでしまった仲間 今でも遠くで頑張る友達
Friends who died having all the talent in the world. Friends still fighting the good fight far away.
The girlfriend who still supports me to this day.
鍵をかけた部屋 戦っていた あの頃の僕 壊れた心 壊れたギター
Room behind a lock and a key. I was fighting all those days when both my heart and guitar were broken.
ありがとう ありがとう 大嫌いだよ 美しき思い出
Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I hate you so much. Such beautiful memories.
忘れたいこと 忘れたくないこと
All I want to forget. Is everything I couldn't bear.