amazarashi 空っぽの空に潰される english translation

amazarashi 空っぽの空に潰される song lyrics
amazarashi 空っぽの空に潰される translation
受け取った手紙が増えすぎて 自分の荷物は捨てていった
As I have received too many letters, I had to throw away my belongings
満たされた気持ちになって その実また空っぽだ
I felt it filled my heart, but in fact it's all empty again
お金は多い方がいい 友達は多い方がいい
It's better to have more money. It's better to have more friends
安心も多い方がいい 結局幸福とはなんだ
It's better to feel more secured. What is happiness anyway?
必ず死ぬと書いて必死 夢の中と書いて夢中
Being desperate means you're ready to die, being absorbed means you're in a dream
まさに必死で夢中になって 僕らは季節を駆け抜けた
So desperately and absorbedly, we were racing through the season
怪我ばっかりが増えたけれど 痛えと笑える仲間が居た
While I got more scars, I had a buddy to laugh away the pain together
昔の自分に嫉妬するな そいつが君の仮想敵だ
Don't feel jealous of your past self. That's your virtual enemy

楽しけりゃ笑えばいいんだろ 悲しい時は泣いたらいいんだろ
So we can laugh when we have fun. So we can cry when we're sad
虚しい時はどうすりゃいいの? 教えて 教えて
What can we do when we feel empty? Tell me. Tell me
名残惜しさも無くさよなら 巡り巡る季節は素っ気無い
Saying goodbye with no regret, seasons just come and go
それに何を期待すりゃいいの? 教えて 教えて
What should I expect from that? Tell me. Tell me
The empty sky is crushing me

結局人間ってのは 一つや二つの欠落はある
After all, every human lacks a thing or two
何かが足りないと思うか 何かが必要と思うか
The difference is if you feel something's missing or if you feel something's needed
最低限の荷物はある 僕にはこれで十分すぎる
I carry minimal burden, still it's more than enough for me
もう一度僕は駆けてみよう 必死で夢中に駆けてみよう
I think I'll try to run again. I'll run desperately and absorbedly
今日が暮れて今日がやってくる 流れのままにとは行かないが
Today draws in and today comes in. Not that I could go with the flow,
嫌なものを嫌と言ってたら こんな今日に流れ着いた
but while I kept saying no to what I hate, I drifted to a day like this
だから今日は記念日だ 戦った僕の記念日だ
So today is a special day, to commemorate me who fought a good fight,
ただ一つだけ問題がある 全くもって虚しい今日だ
but there's only one problem: today is such an empty day

楽しけりゃ笑えばいいんだろ 悲しい時は泣いたらいいんだろ
So we can laugh when we have fun. So we can cry when we're sad
虚しい時はどうすりゃいいの? 教えて 教えて
What can we do when we feel empty? Tell me. Tell me
名残惜しさも無くさよなら 愛した人や物はあっけない
Saying goodbye with no regret, people and things I loved went too quickly
それに何を期待すりゃいいの? 教えて 教えて
What should I expect from that? Tell me. Tell me
The empty sky is crushing me

弱音を吐いたら楽になるか 泣くだけ泣いたら楽になるか
Does it make you feel better by showing your weakness? Does it make you feel better by crying your heart out?
死にたいと言えば気持ちいいか そこから踏み出したくはないか
Does it feel good to say you want to die? Don't you want to step out of there?
どっかに忘れ物をしたよ 教室か母のお腹の中
I left something somewhere, either in a classroom or in my mother's belly
恒久的な欠落を 愛してこその幸福だ
Happiness means nothing if you can't love your eternal void

楽しけりゃ笑えばいいんだろ 悲しい時は泣いたらいいんだろ
So we can laugh when we have fun. So we can cry when we're sad
虚しい時はどうすりゃいいの? 教えて 教えて
What can we do when we feel empty? Tell me. Tell me
暗いところからやって来て 暗いところへ帰っていくだけ
We come from some dark place, just to go back to some dark place
その間に 何が出来るの? 教えて 教えて
What can I do in between? Tell me. Tell me
The empty sky is crushing me