amazarashi 無題 english translation
amazarashi 無題 song lyrics
amazarashi 無題 translation
木造アパートの一階で 彼は夢中で絵を描いていた
On the first floor of a wooden apartment, a man loses himself in his painting.
描きたかったのは自分の事 自分を取り巻く世界のこと
What he wanted to paint was himself, about the world that surrounds him.
小さな頃から絵が好きだった 理由は皆が褒めてくれるから
Ever since he was young, he loved painting. Everybody always praised him for it.
でも今じゃ褒めてくれるのは 一緒に暮らしている彼女だけ
But the only one who praises him now, is the girlfriend living with him.
でも彼はそれで幸せだった すれ違いの毎日だけど
But that alone was more than enough for him, even if their schedules made them seem so far away.
彼女はいつもの置手紙 桜模様の便箋が愛しい
She always left letters on her favorite sakura patterned stationery. Which he always cherished
気づいたら夜が明けていた 気づいたら日が暮れていた
Before he knew it, dawn had broken through. Before he knew it, the sun had set again.
気づいたら冬が終わってた その日初めて絵が売れた
Before he knew it, winter had come to and end. It was on that day his very first painting sold.
状況はすでに変わり始めてた 次の月には彼の絵は全て売れた
By then, everything began to change. The next month all of his paintings sold.
変わってくのは いつも風景
And what kept on changing, was always the scenary
誰もが彼の絵を称えてくれた 彼女は嬉しそうに彼にこう言った
Everyone gave praise to his paintings. His girlfriend turned and with a smile on her face said.
「信じてた事 正しかった」
I knew I was right to have believed in you. I knew I was.
絵を買ってくれた人達から 時々感謝の手紙を貰った
Every now and then, he would receive letters of thanks. From those who had bought his paintings.
感謝される覚えもないが 嫌な気がするわけもない
He had no memory of being thanked before, and it definately didn't feel bad
小さな部屋に少しずつ増える 宝物が彼は嬉しかった
The small room little by little began to fill with treasure, that delighted him
いつまでもこんな状況が 続いてくれたらいいと思った
He thought to himself how wonderful it would be, if things could be like this forever
彼はますます絵が好きになった もっと素晴らしい絵を描きたい
The man fell in love with painting more and more. He wanted to paint something more amazing than before.
描きたいのは自分の事 もっと深い本当の事
He wanted to paint himself, to paint an even deeper reality.
最高傑作が出来た 彼女も素敵ねと笑った
As he finally finished his greatest masterpiece. His girlfriend smiled and called it wonderful too.
誰もが目をそむける様な 人のあさましい本性の絵
But everyone who saw it turned there faces away, Away from the frightening depiction of the human soul
誰もが彼の絵に眉をひそめた まるで潮が引くように人々は去った
All those who saw the painting hated everything about it. And everyone around him fled like the receiding tide.
変わってくのは いつも風景
And what kept on changing, was always the scenary
人々は彼を無能だと嘲る 喧嘩が増えた二人もやがて別れた
Everyone scoffed at him, calling him incompetent. Their fights increased, and before long, the couple broke up.
信じてた事 間違ってたかな
Was I wrong to have believed in you? Was I wrong?
木造アパートの一階で 彼は今でも絵を描いている
On the first floor of a wooden apartment, He continues to draw, even now
描きたかったのは自分の事 結局空っぽな僕の事
He wanted to paint himself, about the empty man he became.
小さな頃から絵が好きだった 理由は今じゃもう分からないよ
When I was young I moved painting, I don't know why I do anymore
No one ever praises me anymore
I don't even bother naming these paintings anymore
気付けばどれくらい月日が過ぎたろう その日久々に一枚の絵が売れた
He wondered how much time passed since that day. It was on that day his first painting sold in a long time.
変わってくのは いつも風景
And what kept on changing, was always the scenary
その買主から手紙が届いた 桜模様の便箋にただ一言
From that buyer a letter came, just few word written in a sakura patterned stationary
「信じてた事 正しかった」
I knew I was right to have believed in you. I knew I was.