amazarashi 星々の葬列 english translation

amazarashi 星々の葬列 song lyrics
amazarashi 星々の葬列 translation
今でもよく思い出すんだ 昔見た 賑やかな行列
Even now I remember well, the lively parade from long ago
ブラスバンドに鼓笛隊 それはそれは華やかなパレード
A brass band, drums and fifes, it was truly brilliant
白い鳥が雲に混じって 花火が弾けて振り向いた
Doves mingled with the clouds, I turned over to see the fireworks overhead
沢山の人が笑ってた 僕もつられてきっと笑ってた
A lot of people smiled, I'm sure I smiled right alongside

暗い海に 君と二人 そんな昔話をしてた
Telling old tales together in the dark sea
物憂気に星を見ていると こんなおとぎ話を教えてくれたんだ
Wearily facing the stars and being told a fairy tale

笑って 笑って
Laugh, smile to your heart's content
It's the funeral procession for the Milky Way
宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード
A heavenly parade, it's a heavenly parade
Certainly, a large star must've gone out tonight

父が僕の手を強く引く いつもは無愛想な癖して
My father pulled my hand tight, he's always been blunt
あんまり子供みたいだから 僕もはしゃいでる振りをしたんだ
And I, just like a child, frolically swung my arms
ボロボロのサーカステントは あちこちに穴が空いていて
The worn out circus tent patched up all around
暗くなると光が漏れた まるで満天の星空みたい
When the light shone in, it looked just like the starry sky

暗い海に 君と二人 言葉もなくただ座ってた
Sitting speechless in the dark sea together
波の音がリズムになった 僕らが見送る葬送行進曲
The sound of the waves formed a rhythm as we saw it off in its funeral march

笑って 笑って
Laugh, smile to your heart's content
It's the funeral procession for the Milky Way
宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード
A heavenly parade, it's a heavenly parade
Certainly, a beautiful star must've gone out tonight

沢山の人が集まった 静かな黒ずくめの行列
Many people gathered in a row, silent and dressed all in black
ブラスバンドは来ないけれど 花火ももう上がらないけど
The brass band never came and fireworks never went flying
灯りを掲げた行列は 夜空の星の映し鏡
But the row of people mirrored the night sky, carrying flames like stars
沢山の人が泣いていた 僕もつられてきっと泣いていた
A lot of people cried, I'm sure I cried right alongside

笑って 笑って
Laugh, smile to your heart's content
It's the funeral procession for the Milky Way
宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード
A heavenly parade, it's a heavenly parade
A never ending parade

笑って 笑って
Laugh, smile to your heart's content
It's the funeral procession for the Milky Way
宇宙のパレード 宇宙のパレード
A heavenly parade, it's a heavenly parade
Certainly, a very important star must've gone out tonight