amazarashi 性善説 english translation
amazarashi 性善説 song lyrics
amazarashi 性善説 translation
ねえママ あなたの言う通り 彼らは裁かれて然るべきだ
Hey mom, it's just as you say. They ought to be brought to justice
奪えるものは全部奪っていった 崩れたビルに 戦車と夕日
They took away everything they could take. Collapsed buildings, tanks and the setting sun
ねえママ あなたの言う通り 隣人は愛して然るべきだ
Hey mom, it's just as you say. We ought to love our neighbors
陰口ほど醜いものはないわ 手を取り合って 微笑み合って
Son, there's nothing uglier than backbiting. Take each other's hands and exchange smiles
こんな時代に 生き延びるだけでも 容易くはないわ どうか幸せに
Just trying to survive in times like these, it's a tough work, my dear. I wish you much happiness
寝ぼけ眼でテレビをつけて ぼやけた頭に無理矢理流れ込んだ
Turning on my TV with sleepy eyes, my blurry head started to get force-fed
殺人だ強盗だ人身事故だ 流行だアイドルだ もう うるせえよ
Murders, robberies, fatal accidents. Trends, idols, shut up already
人心地つける余裕もなく 僕らの日々は流れに摩耗して
Never have time to feel relieved, our days get worn away by going with the flow
明るいニュースを探している 明るいニュースを探している
We're looking for encouraging news. We're looking for encouraging news
ねえママ あなたの言う通り 他人は蹴落として然るべきだ
Hey mom, it's just as you say. We ought to kick others down
幸福とは上位入賞の勲章 負けないように 逃げないように
Happiness is a reward for winners. Try not to lose. Try not to get away
目を覆い隠しても 悲鳴は聞かされて 耳を塞いでも 目をこじ開けられて
I cover my eyes, but I'm forced to hear a scream. I cover my ears, but I'm forced to open my eyes
真っ白な朝日に急かされて あの子の家に向かう電車の中
Rushed by the white morning sun, I was in a train on my way to her place
馬鹿な男の下世話な自慢話に 子供を連れ車両を変える母親を見たよ
There some fool was bragging out loud, and I saw it chased away a mother with a child to the next car
各々の思想がぶつかり合って 満員電車は個人的な紛争地帯
With people's thoughts colliding with each other, the packed train became a personal war zone
僕は僕を保つので精一杯で その実誰かの肩にもたれていたよ
I was busy trying to keep myself, but in fact I was just resting on someone's shoulder
ねえママ あなたは言ったじゃないか 嘘をつけばバチがあたると
Hey mom, didn't you just say. That we would be punished if we tell a lie
神に祈れば救われると 苦労はいつか報われると
That we would be saved if we pray to God. That all efforts would pay off someday
ねえママ 僕は知ってしまったよ 人間は皆平等だと
Hey mom, I came to find out myself. That all humans are equal
世界はあるがまま美しいと それ等は全くの詭弁であると
That the world is beautiful as it is. That those are nothing but delusions
否定されてしまった性善説の 後始末を押し付けられた僕らは
As it's been denied that all humans are born good, we are the ones who have to clean up the mess
逃げ場もなく小箱に閉じ込められて 現実逃避じゃなきゃ もう笑えねえよ
With no way out, locked inside a small box, only escapism can give us a laugh now
「人は本来優しいものですよ」 それが嘘だと暴いたのはあんただろ
"Humans are fundamentally kind." Wasn't it you who showed that it's just a lie
教育だ宗教だ道徳だ 何でもいいから早く次のをくれよ
Education, religions, morals. Whatever it is, just give us what's next
ねえママ あなたの言う通り 自分を善だと信じて疑わないときは
Hey mom, it's just as you say. When you believe without a doubt that you are good,
他方からは悪だと思われてるものよ あなただけが私の善なのよ
Others are likely to see you as evil. And my dear, you are my only good