amazarashi 後期衝動 english translation

amazarashi 後期衝動 song lyrics
amazarashi 後期衝動 translation
「誰だお前は」と言われ続けて 赤字のライブで、だるい社会で
Constantly told "Just who are you?" at near empty concerts and by a languid society
ラジオに雑誌にインターネット 誰だお前は? 誰なんだ僕は?
On the radio, newspapers, internet, "Who are you?" Who even am I?
初期衝動もとっくに消えた 「今に見てろよ」って今も過ぎた
My first impulse disappeared long ago, to say "You'll see now!" even though "now" is long gone
だからと言って惰性ではなくて 言わざるをえない言葉について
Just saying that doesn't mean there's any momentum

バイトで散々陰口言われて 手に汗びっしょり膝が震えて
Hearing some crude remarks at my part-time, knees weak, palms are sweaty
助走は長けりゃいいって言うが あまりに深い暗いどん底で
They say you should take off running but the fall looks bottomless
今が助走だって言い聞かせて 自分とばかり会話が増えて
I want to hear you say "I'll take off now", I say to myself in my endlessly increasing monologue
ついに僕は僕と二人暮らし そして気付くんだ「誰だお前は」
I suddenly realized I'm living with myself, asking "Just who are you?"

金も生活もどうでもいいよ 綺麗なものだけ見させてくれよ
Making money and a living are whatever, show me something really beautiful!
ライブ帰り浅虫の黄昏 そういう景色をもっと見たいよ
Like the twilight of Asamushi after a concert, that's the scenery I want to see
言葉は無力と誰かが言った 無力と言うのも言葉と知れば
Somebody said words are powerless, without realizing "powerless" is a word too
恨み辛みも嫉妬も賛美も 全弾こめて、悲観蜂の巣だ
Pent up resentment, envy and praise are all bullets for the chamber of my pessimistic beehive

誰かの言葉で話すのやめた 誰かの為に話すのやめた
Stop speaking someone else's words, stop speaking for someone else's sake
ノルマ、売り上げ、数字じゃなくて 僕は言葉で会話がしたいよ
I want a talk with words not quotas, proceeds, or numbers!
理想論、嘲笑うのは誰だ 歌手は理想を歌うのが常だ
Who's ridiculing me that I'm idealistic? Of course an artist would sing about ideals!
いいからお前さっさと歌えよ 一体全体、誰だお前は?
If it's so easy, why don't you get to singing? Just who do you think you are?