amazarashi ムカデ english translation

amazarashi ムカデ song lyrics
amazarashi ムカデ translation
給水塔に反射する夏の太陽 器用に生きる象徴としての
The summer sun reflects on the water tower, her smile acting as symbol
彼女の笑顔 汗ばんだ静動脈に巣食う褐色の火薬じみた病理
Of living skillfully. My veins and arteries poured sweat, haunted by a pathology that looks like brown gunpowder
僕が僕ではない感覚 もしくは錯覚 六十億の溜息に巻き起こる黄砂
I get rhe feeling that I'm not myself. That or a delusion. Yellow sand rises up inside 6 bilion sights
逃げ場なく息も絶え絶えな ムカデ
A centipede with no place of refuge whose breathing is feeble
涙 の濁流を這って 何処へ 行こう 何処も 駄目だ
I crawl through a stream of muddied tears, and where shall I go? Everywhere is no good
居場所 が無い 神様僕は分かってしまった
I have no place to call my own. God, I unfortunately understood
空っぽの夜空が綺麗 あの黒い空白に埋もれてしまえたらって
The empty night sky is so beautiful, and to be buried completely in that black void
願う そうか もしかしたら 僕は 死にたいのかな
Is my prayer- oh is that it? Could it be that I want to die?
愛は愛の振りして 全部飲み下せと刃物覗かせる
Love pretends to be love, and it shows me a glimpse of its blade, telling me to swallow it all
今日は今日の振りして 全部やり直しだと僕を脅かす
Today pretends to be today, and it threatens me, telling me it's time to redo everything
こっから踏み出すなよ 絶対だぞ 誰だ後ろから押す奴は ほら後一歩だ
Don't advance from here- you'd better not. Who's that pushing me from behind? Look I'm just one step away.
そうだ 夢がぶら下がる最果ての絞首台
That's right, it's the gallows at the very end where my dreams hang.
西日に染まる郊外の公団住宅 心臓を針でつつかれる様な感傷
The public housing in the suburbs is colored by the setting sun. I feel like my heart's being pricked by needles,
及び 生きてる事に対しての罪悪感
And I'm full of guilt for being alive.
付きまとう闇 立ちはだかる闇 赤面症の季節における リビドーの肥大
The darkness follows me, the darkness blocks my way in this season of pathological blushing. Libido swells up,
故の 現実からの逃避 妄想 妄想 妄想
My escape from reality with its reasons- delusions, delusions, delusions
遮断機に置き去りの自意識 真っ二つに割れる数秒前
My self-consciusness was left behind at the railroad crossing just second before I'd be split right down the middle.
赤が光る 消える 光る 消える 光る 消える 消えろ
The red lights up, disappears, lights up, disappears, lights up, disappears. Disappear-
チャイナドレスの女 田園都市線 劣等 劣等 過去 過去
The woman in Chinese dress, the Denetoshi train line, my inferiority, my inferiority, the past, the past
全部消えろ 神様 殺してやる
Make it all disappear. God I'll kill you.
過去は過去の振りして 全部受け入れろと喉に絞めかかる
The past pretends to be past, and starts to strangle my throat, telling me to accept it all
夜は夜の振りして 全部おまえのせいだとがなりたてる
The night pretends to be night, and it shouts at me that it's all my fault.
こっから逃げ出すなよ 絶対だぞ 誰だ後ろから押す奴は ほら後一歩だ
Don't run away from here- you'd better not. Who's that pushing me from behind?
そうだ 夢がぶら下がる最果ての絞首台
That's right, it's the gallows at the very end where my dreams hang.
僕は触れていたかった まだ繋がっていたいよ
I wanted to touch something. I still want to feel connected
ビルの屋上に立った 今更思い出すんだ
I stood on a rooftoop. And I remember now that it's too late
春の木漏れ日に泣いた 母の声が聞こえんだ
I cried in the sunlight filtering through the trees in spring. I can hear my mother's voice.
此処にいてもいいですか 此処にいてもいいですか
Is it alright for me to be here? Is it alright for me to be here?
空は空の振りして 全部知ってるぞって僕を見下す
The sky pretends to be sky, and it looks down upon me, sneering that it knows all about me
人は人の振りして 全部吐き出せと僕を睨み付ける
People pretend to be people, and they scowl at me, wanting me to spit it all out
こっから踏み出すなよ 絶対だぞ 誰だ後ろから押す奴は ほら後一歩だ
Don't advance from here- you'd better not. Who's that pushing me from behind? Look I'm just one step away.
そうだ 夢がぶら下がる最果ての絞首台
That's right, it's the gallows at the very end where my dreams hang.
僕は触れていたかった まだ繋がっていたいよ
I wanted to touch something. I still want to feel connected
ビルの屋上に立った 今更思い出すんだ
I stood on a rooftoop. And I remember now that it's too late
春の木漏れ日に泣いた 母の声が聞こえんだ
I cried in the sunlight filtering through the trees in spring. I can hear my mother's voice.
此処にいてもいいですか 生きていてもいいですか
Is it alright for me to be here? Is it alright for me to be alive?