amazarashi ヒガシズム english translation
amazarashi ヒガシズム song lyrics
amazarashi ヒガシズム translation
上野 秋葉原 東京 押し合って生きる資格を得ろ
In Ueno, Akihabara, and Tokyo; we're certified to struggle with our lives.
ディストピア脱走 生存競争 先延ばしした生に未練はない
We flee the dystopia in our fight to exist. We can't believe that we waited this long.
カラスの声に メッチェンの笑み 性的不備、溜め込む6.5畳
A girl smiles brightly at the raven's cry, she's told she's not beautiful, and hides up in her room.
総人類反社会的 冒涜、不道徳の極み
Humanity is antisocial, blasphemes, and lives steeped in immorality.
あくまで未定の生存 「自分を大事に」とかって正論
No one knows if they'll survive ‘til it's too late. "It's only reasonable to focus on yourself."
言いたいだけだろ もううるせえよ 俗っぽさを崇めた世間の負債
Give me a break! You just think it sounds good. That's the kind of worldliness the world loves.
人を嘲り 偽悪の無罪 潰した野花かつて飛ばした種子
People scorn the innocent like they're evil. From the crushed wildflower bursts out a single seed.
地下鉄ひとすじ蜘蛛の糸 誰も群がらぬ蜘蛛の糸
An unbroken spider's thread runs down the subway, a thread untouched by the thronging masses.
The deep red of the setting sun is beautiful beyond words
As though it would fill the emptiness between the stars and mankind.
ヒューマニズム レイシズム 陽が沈む 今日も沈む
Whether humanist, or a racist, the sun will set as it does today.
有限の区切り、印として いざこざの間に陽が沈む
Like a bookmark, it puts the struggle on hold as it sinks down below the land.
瞳の色 肌の色 髪の色 互いを見ろ
The color of our eyes, the color of our skin, the color of our hair, gaze upon them all.
僕が僕として生きてる理由を 身に纏う証明
The testament to our raison d'etre wraps around our bodies.
実存 実存 実存
We exist. We exist. We exist.
憎しみあってばっか 血の気の多い平和主義ばっか
They hate each other in equal measure, the blood of their fickle pacifism.
自由崇拝ゆえ、規律に発火 がれきに下敷きの人の営み
Out of a love for freedom, order is set aflame. The product of man is pinned beneath the rubble.
立ち消えるライン 神様不在 行くか戻るかなのなのなのなのな
The line's out of commission, and the gods have vanished. Should we turn back or press on? How should I know?
先にたたず後にたち並ぶ 墓標みたいなビルと後悔
Before we know it, buildings like grave markers and regrets stand in a line.
後何年 何ヶ月 何時間と
After a few years, a few months, or even a few hours,
逆算した人生に 追いつめられて
We're backed against the wall by our reverse-engineered lives.
ヒューマニズム レイシズム 陽が沈む 今日も沈む
Whether humanist, or a racist, the sun will set as it does today.
世々、最小単位の死として ただ身代わりに陽が沈む
For generations, the setting sun has stood for the smallest measure of death.
裁きたがり 泣きたがり 死にたがり 晒したがり
The will to judge. The will to cry. The will to die. The will to expose.
僕が僕として生きてる理由を 選び取る証明
They are testament that I choose my raison d'etre for myself.
実存 実存 実存
We exist. We exist. We exist.
秋の砂浜にビーチサンダル ストーブの中 去年の灯油
Sandals lying on the beach in autumn. The heater's fueled by year-old oil.
いつ終わるとも知らないが 今日が確かに終わる事
Though we can't be sure when, we know the day eventually will end.
明日も笑える不確かさ それでも約束繰り返し
We don't know if we'll be able to smile tomorrow. But at least we can promise that we will.
曖昧な未来でまた会える 明日、多分、必ず、会える
We'll meet again in the uncertain future. I'm certain that it may be tomorrow.
夕日の前では誰もが等しく 赤く染まる罪と罰 夕日信仰ヒガシズム
Before the setting sun, all are equal. Both crime and punishment are dyed red. We are the Church of the Setting Sun.
全ては消え行く 脆くも崩れさる 有限の一区切り 夕日信仰ヒガシズム
Everything disappears, and the fragile crumbles away. Limits, too, come to an end. We are the Church of the Setting Sun.
ヒューマニズム レイシズム 陽が沈む 今日も沈む
Whether humanist, or a racist, the sun will set as it does today.
善悪も我関せずとして 今日も今日とて陽が沈む
As the sun shall set again today, good and evil mean nothing to me.
夕日の赤 死地の赤 嘘の赤 血潮の赤
The red of the sun. The red of our deathbed. The red of the lies. The red of spilt blood.
僕が僕として生きてる理由を 身に宿す証明
They are testament to the raison d'etre that I harbor within me.
実存 実存 実存
We exist. We exist. We exist.