amazarashi ジュブナイル english translation
amazarashi ジュブナイル song lyrics
amazarashi ジュブナイル translation
自分嫌いな少年少女 ありがとうじゃ満たされぬ今日も
Boys and girls who hate themselves. You cannot fulfill today with thank-yous
理解しがたい異質なイデオ はみ出し物の孤独な闘争
It's another incomprehensible foreign ideology, all the misfits' lonely battle
虐げられた少年少女 撫でる青痣、ミミズ腫れの頬
Boys and girls who got abused. Stroking bruises, the cheek with welts
それよりも悲鳴上げる心 自分対世界の様相
Their hearts scream even louder, showing an aspect of me-against-the -world
「人間嫌い」っていうより 「人間嫌われ」なのかもね
Maybe I'm not a "human hater," but I'm more like "human hatee."
侮辱されて唇噛んで いつか見てろって涙ぐんで
Feeling insulted and biting my lip, I'm moved to tears as I promise to make them see
消えてしまいたいのだ 消えてしまいたいのだ
I'd rather disappear, I'd rather disappear
君が君を嫌いな理由を 背負った君のまま 成し遂げなくちゃ駄目だ
You've got to make it happen while carrying the reason of your self-hate
僕は讃える君等のジュブナイル 向こう見ずだっていい 物語は始まったばかりだ
Let me praise your juvenile, it's okay to be reckless, your story has just begun
自信過剰な少年少女 認められない不遇な才能
Boys and girls with too much confidence. Obscure talent that remains unrecognized
何者にもなれない怒りと それとは裏腹の自己嫌悪
Feeling anger at remaining nobody as well as self-disgust
誇り高き少年少女 それでも曲げぬ自分の意志を
Boys and girls with great pride. They run across their unshakable will,
未だ枯れない表現欲と 無謀さを武器に駆ける浮世
With an everlasting desire to express and recklessness as weapons. That's life
僕らに変な名前を 付けたがるのはいつも部外者
It's always people outside who want to give us weird names
「綺麗事だ 理想論だ」 って理想も語れなきゃ終わりだ
They say, "It's not realistic, it's just idealism," but it'll be over when we stop talking about the ideal
僕らここに居るのだ 僕らここに居るのだ
We are all standing right here. We are all standing right here
君が君を信じる根拠を 誇示する君のまま やり遂げなくちゃ駄目だ
You've got to make it happen while showing off the evidence of your self-belief
僕は讃える君等のジュブナイル 世間知らずだっていい 物語は始まったばかりだ
Let me praise your juvenile, it's okay to be naïve, your story has just begun
そこから一歩も動かないのなら 君は「侮辱された人間」だ
If you stay right there, you are the "insulted one."
そこから一歩歩き出せたら 君は「負けなかった人間」だ
If you can make a step forward, you are the "undefeated one."
怖いとは言うべきじゃないな 辛いとは言うべきじゃないな
Better not to say that you're scared. Better not to say that it's hard
どうせ誰も助けてくれない それを分かって始めたんだろう
Nobody's going to help you anyway, and I know you started while knowing it
「誇り高き少年少女 それでも曲げぬ自分の意志を
Boys and girls with great pride. They run across their unshakable will,
未だ枯れない表現欲と 無謀さを武器に駆ける浮世」
With an everlasting desire to express and recklessness as weapons. That's life
君が君で居られる理由が 失くしちゃいけない 唯一存在意義なんだ
The reason why you can be yourself, you should never lose it, it's the only meaning of your existence
ここに讃えよ愚かなジュブナイル 最後の最後に 笑えたらそれでいいんだよ
We're here to praise the foolish juvenile. If you can laugh at the very end, everything will be okay
Your story has just begun