amazarashi クリスマス english translation
amazarashi クリスマス song lyrics
amazarashi クリスマス translation
小さな雪の粒も積み重なれば 景色を変えるのは不思議ですね
Each snowflake is tiny, but when it piles up, it can change the whole scenery, isn't that wonderful
どうしようもない日も積み重なれば 年月となるのは残酷ですね
Even these meaningless days, when they pile up, they can lapse into years, isn't that cruel
僕が真夜中の部屋で一人 今年の懺悔を始めた頃
Alone in my room at midnight, as I started to repent my deeds of this year
遠い街の少女が 丁度眠りについた時
And just when a girl in a faraway town fell into a sleep
It started snowing
罪深い三百幾日に 白い雪の粒が舞い落ちて
Upon three hundred something sinful days, white snowflakes keep falling
それが年明けまで続けば この過ちも枯れてくれるかな
If it keeps snowing until the New Year, this mistake might die down with it
どこか遠くミサイルが飛んで 流星と見間違えた少女
Seeing a missile fly in the distant sky, a girl thought it was a shooting star
願いを一つ唱えたところ 今日は美しいクリスマス
And she made her first wish just now, today it's the beautiful Christmas day
街のドブ川に冬の星座が 健気に光るから石を投げ入れた
Winter's constellation shines on the gutter so nobly that I couldn't help throwing in a stone
水面に千切れて別れた双子座の 再会を待ってたらバイトに遅れたよ
It separated the two stars of Gemini on the water, and waiting to see them reunite made me late for work
イヤフォンの中でしゃべるFM 曲紹介で途切れた音の間に
As I hear FM radio talking in my earphones, in a quiet moment before the song starts
ぶつかった男の舌打ち 地下鉄の風は故郷の
Someone bumps me and clicks his tongue, the wind blowing in the subway reminds me
Of the sea wind in my hometown
罪深い三百幾日に 白い雪の粒が舞い落ちて
Upon three hundred something sinful days, white snowflakes keep falling
それに心がかじかむのなら 憎しみも凍ってくれるかな
If it paralyzes my heart, my hatred might get frozen with it
どこか遠くミサイルが飛んで 流星と見間違えた少女
Seeing a missile fly in the distant sky, a girl thought it was a shooting star
願いを二つ唱えたところ 今日は美しいクリスマス
And she made her second wish just now, today it's the beautiful Christmas day
汚れた僕が汚した世界 だからこそ嫌いになれないよ
This world got tainted by tainted me, that's why I can't really hate it
相変わらずの世界だから 君には見せたくないんだけど
As it hasn't changed a bit, I don't feel like showing it to you
どうか 失望しないように
But please, don't get disappointed
どうか 言ってくれないか それでも好きだと
Please, won't you tell me, that you still like it
罪深い十二月の朝に 白い雪の粒が舞い落ちて
Upon the sinful December morning, white snowflakes keep falling
それに優しさが埋もれたなら こんなに眩しいわけはないよ
If it covers up the tenderness, it shouldn't be dazzling like this
どこか遠くミサイルが飛んで 流星と見間違えた少女
Seeing a missile fly in the distant sky, a girl thought it was a shooting star
願いを三つ唱える前に 目を覚ましたら パパのプレゼント
Before she made her third wish, she woke up to find a present from her dad
さあ祈ろうぜ世界の為に 救いようない僕らの為に
So let us pray for the world, pray for us, the helpless ones
見てみろよ酷い世界だろ 今日は美しいクリスマス
Look at this awful world, today it's the beautiful Christmas day