amazarashi アポロジー english translation
amazarashi アポロジー song lyrics
amazarashi アポロジー translation
暗いところに隠れたら 誰にも見つからないと思ってた
I thought that if I hid in a dark place, no one would find me
だけど自分の姿さえ見失ってしまうとは 困ったな
But if I ended up losing my own self, that'd be troublesome
ほんとの事は分からない ずっと考えてるけど分からない
I don't understand the real things. I'm always thinking over them, but I don't understand
優しい人にはなれない 打算と狡さの怠け者
I'm a cunning and calculative slacker who can't become a gentle person
星空が水面に映ったみたいな 街の灯を眺めてた
I was gazing at the city lights that the starry sky seems to reflect on the water surface
あんまり綺麗だから そこまで歩いたら生ゴミ臭かった
It's so clean that if you walked up there, you'd smell the food waste
酔っぱらって抱き合う男女 混濁した頭で見るなら
If you looked with a clouded head at the drunken man and woman embracing each other,
この世はきっと美しい ゴミ溜めだって美しい
this world would surely be beautiful, even the garbage dump would be beautiful
嘘は泥棒の始まりです 自分に正直に生きなさい
Lies are the start for thieves, please live honestly
幼い頃の約束は 大人になった今も有効ですか
Are the promises of your childhood still valid, even though you became an adult now?
出来て当たり前の事が 出来ない出来損ないの僕ら
They're obvious achievable things but for us, uncapable runts,
開き直れるならまだましか 反省ばっかじゃ世話無いな
isn't it too early to get serious? I don't care if it's only ruminations though
This is our apology for not being able to protect even one single promise
世界に文句ばっか言ってたら 誰も愛しちゃくれねぇよ
Nobody loves you when you only complain to the world
ごめんなさい ちゃんといえるかな?
"I'm sorry" - Can I properly say it?
ごめんなさい ちゃんといえるかな?
"I'm sorry" - Can I properly say it?
世界から爪弾きにされて 息を殺して身を潜めて
Ostracized from the world, holdind my breath, hiding myself
一世一代の復讐で 腹から笑えると思ってた
With a once-in-a-lifetime revenge, I thought I could laugh my stomach out
世界に笑われた分だけ 世界を嘲笑ってみたら
When I tried to laugh at the world just as much as it laughed at me,
なんだかとっても虚しくて 尚更惨めになりました
somehow it turned out to be so empty, and I became even more miserable
小さな川の連なりが やがて海にたどり着くような
As a chain of small rivers that soon reaches the sea,
僕らの無粋な罪悪が 涙となって流れたんだ
our tasteless guilt became tears and flowed
汚れた海は許せないな 汚れた涙も同じだ
The dirty sea is unforgivable. The same goes for the dirty tears
悔しくてしょうがないよ 嫌われたい訳じゃないよ
It's so frustrating, but it can't be helped. It's not my intention to be hated
This is our apology for being unable to live as we expected
傷つけ合ってばっかりいたら信頼なんて 出来ねぇよ
If there's only mutual harm, there's no way we can trust each other
ごめんなさい ちゃんといえるかな?
"I'm sorry" - Can I properly say it?
ごめんなさい ちゃんといえるかな?
"I'm sorry" - Can I properly say it?
陰口たたいて 舌出して 嘘ばっか付いて痛い目みて
Spreading gossips, sticking out the tongue, telling only lies, having a dreadful experience
大人になっても同じだ ふて腐れてんのも同じだ
Even if I became an adult, it's the same. Even with a rotten mood, it's the same.
どこまで行っても逃げられない 僕は僕からは逃げられない
No matter where I go, I can't escape. I can't escape from myself
明日から生まれ変わるから そう言って今日に至りました
"I'll be reborn starting tomorrow" - saying so, I was led to this day
This is our apology for being unable to live for someone else's sake
自分勝手に生きる僕を 全て許してくれたあの娘に
I, who live selfishly, was completely forgiven by that girl
いつまで経っても変われない平凡な 僕らのアポロジー
This is an apology from us mediocres, who won't change no matter how many time passes
どんなに嫌っても ただ僕を受け入れてくれた世界に
To the world that just accepted me, no matter how much I hated it
ごめんなさい ちゃんといえるかな?
"I'm sorry" - Can I properly say it?
ごめんなさい ちゃんといえるかな?
"I'm sorry" - Can I properly say it?
御免なさい ちゃんと言わなくちゃ
"I'M SORRY" - I have to say it properly.