amazarashi Perfect Life english translation

amazarashi Perfect Life song lyrics
amazarashi Perfect Life translation
上手くいかねぇや っていつもの事だろ 不出来な人間なのは 痛いほど分かってる
"This is not going well" It's the same as always, right?
さっき飲み込んだあの言葉は 日の目を見る事も きっとないんだろうな
Incompetent humans know it painfully
そうやって積もった 部屋の埃みたいな 感情が僕等を息苦しく させてるんなら
Words that have just been swallowed, will not see the light of day
自分を守りたくて 閉め切ったドアも窓も 無理してでも開けなきゃ 窒息しちゃうよ
So, like the dust accumulated in a room, if we let the feelings suffocate us, Without opening the doors and windows for wanting to protect ourselves, we will suffocate

悩みはどうせ消えない 振り回されてばかりの 世界の中で
The concern that I can not make disappear no matter what, in the world in which we are only overwhelmed
おぼれそうに もがきながら それでも悪くないなって 思えるものが
While I fight like I'm drowning, I still think it's okay, but

どれだけあったら失敗じゃない? 僕らの人生は
How much is needed so that our life is not a failure?
完璧な人になりそこねたよ なんもねぇ人生
Becoming a perfect person, is not life

人の心に 土足で入り込んで ドアも窓も勝手に 開け放ったあなたの
Thanks to the fact that you went in capriciously through the doors and windows that were wide open in people's hearts,
おかげで僕は人生を 台無しにしちゃうような 素敵な風景に 出会えたんだ
I was able to find a beautiful landscape without ruining my existence 
どこから始まって どこまで続くのか この物語の落とし前をどうやってつけようか
Where to start, where to go. How should I raise this story
いつだって考えるけど 答えは今も見つからないんだよ けど今日が終わりじゃない事だけは分かってる
I always think about it, but even now I can not find the answer. Although I know that today is not the end.

どこまでいけるか 分からないんだけどさ スタートラインに ようやく立てたよ
I do not know how far I can go, but finally I was able to stop at the starting line
こんな風に 僕等を駆り立てる出来事が
The events that incite us this way

どれだけあったら失敗じゃない? 僕らの人生は
How much is needed so that our life is not a failure?
完璧な人になりそこねたよ 何もねぇ人生
Becoming a perfect person, is not life

不完全な青春終えて 不完全な夢を見て 不完全な挫折の末に 不完全な大人になって
Put an end to incomplete youth, dream an incomplete dream, become an incomplete adult at the end of incomplete regression
でも不完全なやりかたで 不完全なりに生きてきた 君自身は疑いようも無い
But with a complete method, you undoubtedly, you are living incompletely

出会いと別れにただ泣き笑い それだけの人生か でも
It is only a life, in which there are only cries and laughter for meetings and partings, but
それだけあったら失敗じゃない 僕らの人生は
If there is only that, our lives, are not a failure
完璧な人にはなれないけれど 完璧な人生
I can not become a perfect person but, yes a perfect life.