Alejandro Sanz Mi niña english translation

Alejandro Sanz Mi niña song lyrics
Alejandro Sanz Mi niña translation
Mi vida no quiere dormir
My life does not want to sleep
Mi vida no quiere subir a las nubes
My life does not want to climb to the clouds
No quiere subir a la luna,
she does not want to go up to the moon
Y no le pasa na
And it does not happen to him
Pero esta noche mi vida no quiere dormir en su cuna,
But tonight my life does not want to sleep in its cradle
No quiere dormir y es la una,
Does not want to sleep and is the one
Yo te voy a cantar
I'm going to sing to you

Yo estuve allí,
I was there
Yo corté la cintita roja de tu cometa,
I cut the red ribbon of your kite
Lloraba el agua bonita y un paisaje desierto
I cried pretty water and a desert landscape
De tus ojos,
From your eyes
Yo viajaba la estrella chiquita de tus ojos
I was traveling the little star of your eyes
Y me parece mentira por fin te conozco,
And I think it's a lie I finally know you
Mi niña no tiene nada que ver
My girl has nothing to do
Con lo que le cuenten a usted
With what they tell you

Mi niña ha venido directa del cielo
My girl has come straight from heaven
Mi niña no sabe de dudas y miedos
My girl does not know of doubts and fears
No tiene nada que ver con lo que somos después
It has nothing to do with what we are after
Mi niña no sabe que existen las maldades
My girl does not know that the evils exist
Mi niña ha venido directa del cielo
My girl has come straight from heaven
Mi niña no sabe de dudas ni miedos
My girl does not know of doubts or fears
No tiene nada que ver con lo que somos después
It has nothing to do with what we are after
Mi niña naciste con los ojos mas tristes
My girl you were born with the saddest eyes
Hay pa mi niña no existes tú
There's my girl, you do not exist
Hay pa mi niña solo existo yo
There's my girl, I only exist, I

No tiene nada que ver con lo que somos después
It has nothing to do with what we are after
Ha venido del cielo
He has come from heaven
Cargada de caramelo
Loaded with candy
Como de paz
Como de verdad
As really
Como si supiera amar
As if I knew how to love
Que que el que no sabe na
That the one who does not know na
Imaginándolo todo
Imagining everything
. direct ...
Mi niña no sabe de dudas ni miedos
My girl does not know of doubts or fears
Mi niña, su vuelo es darme vida y por ella muero
My little girl, her flight is giving me life and for her I die

No me aligero con tanta gente
I do not lighten up with so many people
No me aligero por evidente
I do not lighten by obvious
No me aligero porque no puedo
I do not lighten up because I can not
Pensar en mi niña y verle a usted luego
Think of my girl and see you later

Mi niña ha venio cargaita de verdades
My girl has come loaded with truths
Va cargaita de universo
The universe is going
Cargaita de esperanza pa mí
Little bag of hope for me
Mi niña no tiene fantasmas cuando duerme
My girl does not have ghosts when she sleeps
Dejo que se piense que esta en el cielo
I let you think you're in heaven
Dejo que mi niña se entregue al sueño
I let my girl give herself to sleep
No tiene nada que ver con lo que somos después
It has nothing to do with what we are after
Ha venido del cielo cargada de caramelo
she came from heaven loaded with candy