Alejandro Sanz Mala english translation

Alejandro Sanz Mala song lyrics
Alejandro Sanz Mala translation
Estas mintiendo y no te achicas,
You are lying and you do not shrink
es algo que te funciona bien.
It's something that works well for you.
Yo a ti te pienso, tú no me extrañas.
I think you, you do not miss me.
Hay algo en ti de misterio y es
There is something in you of mystery and it is

Que yo te espero y tú te largas.
That I wait for you and you leave.
No hay nada que te de miedo amor,
There is nothing that scares you love
siempre vas un poco mas allá.
you always go a little further.
Te ríes y te mueves.
You laugh and you move.

Yo no me extiendo ni te retengo;
I do not extend nor I hold you back
te doy tu tiempo, yo soy cordial.
I give you your time, I am cordial.
Tú te me escurres, te me diluyes
You drain me, you dilute me
y te disuelves con facilidad.
and you dissolve easily.

Frente al espejo yo me pregunto:
In front of the mirror I ask myself:
qué demonios es lo que querrá?
what the hel* is what he wants?
Y yo sé que todo te da igual, mala.
And I know that everything gives you the same, bad.

Eres imparable
You are unstoppable
y te abrazo y tú a mi me arañas.
and I hug you and you spide me.
Eres insaciable,
You're insatiable
te beso mala, mala, mala.
I kiss you bad, bad, bad.

Sé que me engañas,
I know you cheat me
de todos modos no te dejo por nada.
I do not leave you for nothing anyway.
Y te quiero incluso un poco más.
And I love you even a little more.

Tú que contabas que has roto corazones
You who told that you have broken hearts
a los más guapos del lugar.
the most beautiful of the place.
Y presumas que jugabas con sus almas
And presume you played with their souls
y luego las quemabas.
and then you burned them.

Yo no comprendo;
I do not understand
vienes corriendo,
you come running
me juras amor, pero luego te vas.
You swear to me, but then you leave.
Y me dejas querindote ms, mala.
And you leave me darling more, bad.

Eres inflamable,
You are flammable
me quemas y me pones agua.
You burn me and you put water on me.
este deseo mala, mala.
This bad, bad desire.

Eres indomable;
You are indomitable
tu boca no hay quien la pare.
Your mouth does not have anyone to stop it.

Comes manzanas envenenadas.
You eat poisoned apples.
No te puedo dejar,
I can not leave you
y te quiero incluso un poco más.
And I love you even a little more.

Que yo te espero y tú te largas.
That I wait for you and you leave.
Tu boca no hay quin la pare.
There is no stopping your mouth.

Eres inflamable,
You are flammable
me quemas y me pones agua.
You burn me and you put water on me.
este deseo mala, mala.
This bad, bad desire.

Eres indomable;
You are indomitable
tu boca no hay quin la pare.
There is no stopping your mouth.

Comes manzanas envenenadas.
You eat poisoned apples.
No te puedo dejar,
I can not leave you
y te quiero incluso un poco más.
And I love you even a little more.

Mala mala.
Bad bad.

Llevas tus cicatrices
You carry your scars
como pinturas de guerra.
as war paintings.

Tú que decías que jugabas
You who said you played
con todos los corazones
with all the hearts
y luego los quemabas
and then you burned them.