Aimer Kimi Wo Matsu english translation

Aimer Kimi Wo Matsu song lyrics
Aimer Kimi Wo Matsu translation
さよなら おやすみ
Good bye and have a nice dream
Someday, we'd meet again
On evening twilight as we were waving hand
I still don't know where i must back home
ただ 歩いた
and just keep walking

I rushed into a shade of tree as if escaping
駆け込んだ木陰で 刹那の息をつき
from drops of cold rain I took a breath for a moment
下弦の月 闇に落ちる
Gazed on a waning moon was sinking into darkness

笑った顔は すぐに思い出せるはずなのに
I know I should, I could remember your laughing face immediately
少しずつ滲んでく 零れ落ちた涙
But it's all blurred slowly, with drops of my tears

眠れない夜 見上げた空
Sleepless nights as I looked up to sky
揺れる夜光は 身を焦がす
Noctilucent lights sway and burn me with love
瞳閉じれば 記憶の海
If I close my eyes, I'd sink deeper
深く沈み 手を伸ばす
into the ocean of memories while I reach out my hands

幾千年も変わらず 君を待つ
Even after thousands years, never changing I'll wait for you

冷たい夜風に 吹かれるまま
While cold night breeze gently blew on me
I heard noisy sound of rustling leaves of tree
I still don't understand what's the meaning of those heaps of words
And my body starts to tremble again

紡いだ花は すぐに枯れてしまうだけなのに
I know a bouquet of spinning flowers will be withered soon
とめどなく望んでる 壊れだした 何か
But i wish it'd be for eternally from something that starts to be broken

眠れないまま かかえた膝
Still sleepless nights I hugged both of my knees
香る闇間に 目を凝らす
A fragrance of darkness made me strain my eyes for an instance
後に戻れば 孤独の森
If I return later on, I'd be lurked deeper
深く潜み 声を断つ
To the forest of loneliness which suppress my voice

不変の冬の中でも 春を待つ
Even in the midst of eternal winter I'll wait for spring to come

笑った顔は すぐに思い出せるはずなのに
I know I should, I could remember your laughing face immediately
少しずつ滲んでく 零れ落ちた涙
But it's all blurred slowly, with drops of my tears

眠れない夜 見上げた空
Sleepless nights as I looked up to sky
Where studded stardust belongs I try to connect
十字の鳥 翼求め 手を伸ばす
The Cygnus constellation with my finger. There was a swan who wished for wings as I reach out my hands

幾千年も変わらず 君を待つ ...
Even after thousands years, never changing I'll wait for you