草東沒有派對 爛泥 english translation
草東沒有派對 爛泥 song lyrics
草東沒有派對 爛泥 translation
Oh, what a beautiful heart
怎麼會 怎麼會 就變成了一灘爛泥
How could it turned in to a pile of mud
Oh, what an innocent poem
怎麼會 怎麼會 都變成了諷刺
How could it, turned into an irony metaphor
我想要說的 前人們都說過了
What I want to say had already been said by predecessors
我想要做的 有錢人都做過了
What I want to do had already be done by rich people
The fair that I want was made up by unfairs
Oh, what a pure painting
怎麼會 怎麼會 充滿了悲傷
How could it be filled with sadness
Oh, what a naive word
怎麼會 怎麼會 像噩夢一樣
How could it be turned into nightmares
我想要說的 前人們都說過了
What I want to say had already been said by predecessors
我想要做的 有錢人都做過了
What I want to do had already be done by rich people
The fair that I want was made up by unfairs