草東沒有派對 在 english translation
草東沒有派對 在 song lyrics
草東沒有派對 在 translation
一樣的天空 卻還是只有錯過
We are living in the same world but we kept missing each other
一樣的歌 還是唱著他多愛她
Those songs are still about love, like always
一樣快死心 一樣爛的劇情
I'm about to give up, like a cliché plot
卻還是期待著 她嘴裡那句我愛你
But still expecting words like I Love You from her voice
她說 去你媽的花海
She said fuck all this flowers
我說 妳這麼說好帥
I said the way you said it is unrestrained
她說 要把它們都打敗
She said just beat them all
我說 我會一直都在
I said I'll be with you all the time
I'll always be with you
在路燈下 遇見了很像妳的她
I met her, who resembles you under the street lamp
我沒有說話 就算說了也是謊
I didn't say anything, they will be lies anyway
沒差 我想都一樣吧
It's all the same I suppose
至少 她嘴裡那句我愛你
At least that I Love You from her voice