張惠妹 我要快樂? english translation

張惠妹 我要快樂? song lyrics
張惠妹 我要快樂? translation
I've been hurt by love once again
無所謂 當作成長
It doesn't matter. I'll treat it for growing up
剛剛走開的人 煙還點著 味道卻淡了
The cigarette of the person who just walked away is still burning, but the smell is fading away

我並不是天生愛寂寞 卻比任何人都多
I'm not born to be like loneliness, but I felt lonely easier than anyone
就算把世界給我 我還是一無所有
Even you give me the entire world, I still have nothing

I want happiness, I want to sleep soundly
有些人不抱了才溫暖 離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨
You only feel heartwarming if you stop holding some people. You only stop hatting them when they leaved. I should have let everything go.
我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
I want happiness, no matter how loud I laugh
心不是熱的 全都是假的
The heart isn't warm and everything is not real
Only the tears are truthful

Ponder those old memories again
謝謝了 傷我的人
Thanks, those who have hurt me.
想做樂觀的人 每種雨聲 聽了都不冷
Want to be an optimistic person, so that every kind of sound of drip-drops doesn't make me feel cold
我並不是天生愛寂寞 卻比任何人都多
I'm not born to be like loneliness, but I felt lonely easier than anyone
就算把世界給我 我還是一無所有
Even you give me the entire world, I still have nothing
I want happiness, I want to sleep soundly

有些人不抱了才溫暖 離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨
You only feel heartwarming if you stop holding some people. You only stop hatting them when they leaved. I should have let everything go.
我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
I want happiness, no matter how loud I laugh
心不是熱的 全都是假的
The heart isn't warm and everything is not real
Only the tears are truthful
I want happiness, I want to sleep soundly
有些人不抱了才溫暖 離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨
You only feel heartwarming if you stop holding some people. You only stop hatting them when they leaved. I should have let everything go.
我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
I want happiness, no matter how loud I laugh
心不是熱的 全都是假的
The heart isn't warm and everything is not real
My decision is correct