張惠妹 人質 english translation
張惠妹 人質 song lyrics
張惠妹 人質 translation
我和你啊 存在一種危險關係
You and I are in a dangerous relationship. 【wo he ni a, tsun-zai yi zhong wei-syen guan-syi】
彼此挾持 這另一部分的自己
Keeping a part of each other as hostage . 【bi-tsih sieh-chih zhe ling yi bu-fen de zih-ji】
Thought it was a definition of love 【ben yi-wei zhe wan-zheng le ai de ding-yi】
Obediently watching over you 【na jiu guai-guai de shou-hu zhe ni】
Love becomes a game of jealousy 【siang-ai bien-cheng tsai-ji huai-yi de lan you-syi】
The rule is to hold your breath and getting closer and closer【gui-ze shih yao bieh-zhe hu-syi yueh kao yueh jin】
But your gentleness is my only addiction 【dan ni de wen-rou shih wo wei-yi chen-ni】
If you love me, you wouldn't be afraid there will be gaps 【ni shih ai wo de jiu bu pa you feng-syi】
Put a bullet in my heart 【zai wo syin-shang yong-li de kai yi-chiang】
讓一切歸零 在這聲巨響
Let it all be over with this loud bang 【rang yi-chieh gui-ling zai zhe sheng ju-siang】
If love says it can not let go 【ru-guo ai shih shuo shen-me dou bu neng fang】
我不掙扎 反正我也 沒差
I do not struggle, because I did nothing wrong 【wo bu zheng-za, fan-zheng wo yeh mei-cha】
Love becomes a game of jealousy 【siang-ai bien-cheng tsai-ji huai-yi de lan you-syi】
The rule is to hold your breath and getting closer and closer 【gui-ze shih yao bieh-zhe hu-syi yueh lai yueh jin】
But your gentleness is my only addiction 【dan ni de wen-rou shih wo wei-yi chen-ni】
If you love me, you wouldn't be afraid there will be gaps 【ni shih ai wo de jiu bu pa you feng-syi】
Put a bullet in my heart 【zai wo syin-shang yong-li de kai yi-chiang】
讓一切歸零 在這聲巨響
Let it all be over with this loud bang 【rang yi-chieh gui-ling zai zhe sheng ju-siang】
If love says it can not let go 【ru-guo ai shih shuo shen-me dou bu neng fang】
我不掙扎 反正我也 沒差
I do not struggle, because I did nothing wrong 【wo bu zheng-za, fan-zheng wo yeh mei-cha】
Put a bullet in my heart 【zai wo syin-shang yong-li de kai yi-chiang】
The hostage is released in this moment 【ren-zhi zai zhe-yi-ke de-dao shih-fang】
Pure love has come to a fate like this 【siang-ai de chun-tsui luo-de ru-tsih sia-chang】
你滿意嗎 我們都別 說謊
Are you satisfied? Let's not lie 【ni man-yi ma? wo-men dou bieh shuo-huang】