周杰倫 稻香 english translation
周杰倫 稻香 song lyrics
周杰倫 稻香 translation
If you have too many complaints for this world
Too afraid to keep walking after falling
為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落
Why are people so weak and fragile?
Please turn on the TV and watch
That many people are living bravely
Shouldn't we be satisfied?
珍惜一切 就算没有擁有
Treasure everything, even if you own nothing
還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
Remember when you said that home is the only castle, running with the flow of the river, following the scent of the rice
微微笑 小時侯的夢我知道
I smile as I reminisce childhood dreams
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, you can always rely on the village folk songs
回家吧 回到最初的美好
Go back home, back to the original beauty
不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的
Like I said, don't give up so easily
追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了
If you can't achieve your dream, just change it
為自己的人生鮮豔上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色
Make your life colorful, first fill in love with your favorite color
笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的
Becoming famous is not the purpose of life
The real pupose is to make yourself happy
童年的紙飛機 現在終於飛回我手裡
The paper airplane from childhood finally flies back into my reach
所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了
The so-called happiness is chasing fireflies barefoot in the fields until exhaustion
偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢
Getting stung by bees while plucking fruits, who's there giggling?
In the wind, I fall asleep against the scarecrow while singing
哦 哦 午後吉它在蟲鳴中更清脆
Oh Oh The guitar sounds brighter with chirps
哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎
Oh Oh I'm not afraid of heart-breaks under the sunshine
珍惜一切 就算没有擁有
Treasure everything, even if you own nothing
還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
Remember when you said that home is the only castle, running with the flow of the river, following the scent of the rice
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
I smile as I reminisce childhood dreams
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, you can always rely on the village folk songs
回家吧 回到最初的美好
Go back home, back to the original beauty
還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
Remember when you said that home is the only castle, running with the flow of the river, following the scent of the rice
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
I smile as I reminisce childhood dreams
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
Don't cry, let the fireflies lead you to escape, you can always rely on the village folk songs
回家吧 回到最初的美好
Go back home, back to the original beauty