周杰倫 回到過去 english translation
周杰倫 回到過去 song lyrics
周杰倫 回到過去 translation
一盞黃黃舊舊的燈 時間在旁悶不吭聲
And yellow lamp/ time beside me, not ,making sound
寂寞下手毫無分寸 不懂得輕重之分
Loneliness mercilessly on me / not knowing different intensities ( of light and hard)
沉默支撐躍過陌生 靜靜看著凌晨黃昏
Quietness has crossed over to strangers/ quietly looking at the morning and sunset
你的身影 失去平衡 慢慢下沉
Your silhouette / losing balance / falling slowly
黑暗已在空中盤旋 該往哪我看不見
Darkness is already encircling us in the sky / Where I should face ? I can't see
也許在夢的另一端 無法存活在真實的空間
Perhaps love is at the other end of a dream / unable to survive in the relams of reality
* 想回到過去 試著抱你在懷裡
Want to return to the past / to try to hug you
Blushing (shy) face has a little childish side
想看你的看的世界 想在你夢的畫面
Want to see the world you see / want to be in your dreams
Only if er lean on each other can we feel the sweetness( or blissful ness)
想回到過去 試著讓故事繼續
Want to return to the past / to try to allow the story to continue
At least I won't allow you to leave me again
分散時間的注意 這次會抱得更緊
I'll take note when we part/ to hug you even tighter
這樣挽留不知還來不來得及 想回到過去
This sort of salvage effort, I don't know if it's still in time/ want to return to the past
思緒不斷阻擋著回憶播放 盲目的追尋仍然空空蕩蕩
Emotions keep stopping the memories playing ( in my head). / Blindly chasing and looking yet still empty-handed (or in vain)
灰濛濛的夜晚睡意又不知躲到哪去 一轉身孤單已躺在身旁
On a grey and unclear night, I don't know where sleep has hidden / Before I know it loneliness is already Lying beside me
Repeat *
Repeat *
沉默支撐躍過陌生 靜靜看著凌晨黃昏
Quietness has crossed over to strangers/ quietly looking at the morning and sunset
你的身影 失去平衡 慢慢下沉 想回到過去
Your silhouette / losing balance / falling slowly / Want to return to the past