Wael Kfoury Ala Fekra english translation
Wael Kfoury Ala Fekra song lyrics
Wael Kfoury Ala Fekra translation
على فكرة انت تغيرت
By the way you've changed
وقلبك عني غيابه طول
and your heart has left me for a long time
من جوا انت تغيرت
Deep inside you, you've changed
و صعبة ترجع متل الاول ×2
and it will be difficult that you you're back
بتطلع بعيونك بركي بلاقي نظراتك
I look at your eyes to regain the hope your eyes.
انت لما بتحكي ماعم اسمع حكياتك ×2
Even if you're talking about, I can no longer recognize your words
بدور عالحنية كانت عندك
Where is this tenderness that you once had !?
ماعدت لقيتها بايدك لمسة ايدي
My hands can not find them if they touch your
متلك انا عم اتغير ويلي صار
I change too, just like you
شوية قسى خلوني اخد قرار
The Little grief has made me come to a decision.
لو ما الاصل فيني انا من زمان
Had I been a good person
تركتك لوحدك تحترق طول بنار
I would have left you long ago and can burn your own