Wael Jassar Betwhasheny english translation
Wael Jassar Betwhasheny song lyrics
Wael Jassar Betwhasheny translation
بتوحشينى وقلتلك بس خايف اسالك
you're missed and I told you but I'm afraid to ask
انا بوحشك لما بغيب وفرحت لما رجعتلك
do you miss me when I'm gone? I'm happy that I came back.
المشاعر مش كلام نفسى احس بالاهتمام
feelings are not words, I wanna feel cared for
طمنينى مرة واحدة ان شاالله حتى فى المنام
tell me that it's okay even if in my dreams
ضى عينك كان مرايتى فيهم حكايتى
your eyesight was my mirror in which there are my stories
شفت فيهم فين بدايتى وفين نهايتى
in which I saw my beginning and my end
مستحيل انا ممكن انسى اى همسة
it's impossible that I may forget any whisper
اى كلمة قولتهالى فقلبى لسه
every single word you said is still in my heart
انا ديما اسال فى الغياب والسؤال ملهوش جواب
I always ask in absence and my question has no answer
نفسى اعيش لحظة فرح لما احضنك من غير عتاب
I crave to live a moment of joy when I hug you without blaming
ساكتة ليه اتكلمى واتعلمى ازاى تحلمى
why are you silent? talk and learn how to dream
بصى فى عيونى بحنان وساعتها بس هتفهمى
look in my eyes affectionately and you'll then understand