Wael Jassar A'eesh Ashanak english translation
Wael Jassar A'eesh Ashanak song lyrics
Wael Jassar A'eesh Ashanak translation
نصيبي اعيش عشانك
my fate is to live for you
ويروح قلبي لمكانك
My heart goes for your place
واشوفك من بعيد
And see you from away
في ناس كتير معايا
There're a lots if people with me
كل مناهم رضايا
All thier hopes to make me satisfied
وبردة اعيش وحيد
And also live alone
حبيبي ارجع تعالي
Come back my love
انا دبت من الغياب
I am Tired from absence
بعدك فرحي استحاله
After you My happiness is impossible
ارحمني من العذاب
Save me from torture
قولي بعد حبك ايه يا غالي
Tell me after your love what will happen dear
غير جراح واه فوق احتمالي
Except Hurts and over my tolerance
غبت عني ليه رحت مني ليه
Why did you leave me
السنين عليا تروح ولسه
Years pass and still
حبي ليك بيزيد وعمري منسي
My love increases for you and i'll never forget
معقول انسي ايه اللي روحي فيه
Is it credible for me to forget the one that my soul is in him
حبيبي يحرم عليا بعدك تفرح عنيا
My Love it's forbidden for me to be happy after you
مهما يطول الزمان
However the time increases
لو كان نصيبي بعدك
If my Fate was after you
برده هتفضل لوحدك
Also you'll stay alone
حبيبي الجاي وكان
i even don't unerstand it 😂