TRUE DREAM SOLISTER english translation

叶えたい事が 溢れてるから
We're filled dreams we want to have come true
立ち止まってる 暇なんてないよね
So we don't have time to stand still, do we?
胸に秘めたあこがれを フルボリュームで届けよう
Let's play out the ambitions hidden in our hearts at full volume
行こう… クレッシェンドの向こうへ
And go... beyond the crescendo!

つまずいてもいい はみだしてもいい
Even if you stumble, even if you're forced out, it's alright
君の音色を 僕たちは待っている
We're all waiting to hear your tone

響け! 生まれたての夢つめ込んで
Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born
大きな空へ いま旅立とう
Let's see out now towards that big sky
拓け! 笑顔を味方につけて
Open up! Put a smilling face on out friends
離さない 諦めたくない
Don't let go, I don't want to give up
限界さえも 跳ね返す勇気で
Have courage to repel even limits
dream solister

不器用で 素直じゃないトコロも
Your stubborn and clumsy parts
頑張り屋の君の 個性だから
Are what make you unique as you try so hard
素顔のままでもう一度 想いを奏でてみよう
So once more time with a natural face, Let's try to play out our feelings
夢のタクトは 自由自在
The beat of our dreams is free

ヒトリじゃ出せない 音があること
You can't produce a sound with one person
気付いたから 迷わずSing! 弾けようよ 輝けSwing!!
I realized that, so sing without hesitation, Let's burst forth! Shine! Swing!
それぞれのココロ 重ねあえば
If each person's heart can stack on top of each other's
いま始まる 青春のプレリュード届け! 世界を巻き込むほど熱く
It will begin now: The prelude of youth! Reach! Passionately, and dragging the world along
終わることの無い 未来(あす)を描こう
Let's picture a future without an ebd
ひとつ ふたつと増えてくメロディ
With one, then two, then the melody is multiplying
おいでよ ここまでおいで
Come, come here
楽しまなくちゃ まだまだフォルテシモ
You have to have fun, there's much more until we're a fortissimo
dream solister

We gatta swing
We've got to swing
We gonna make you swing!!!
We're gonna make you swing!!!
We gatta swing, So ever free!! ×2
We gotta swing, so ever free ×2

まるで イタズラ書きみたいなメロディ
A melody that's just like graffiti -
理屈じゃないんだ 音楽しよう!!!
It's not logical so let's make music!!!

響け! 生まれたての夢つめ込んで
Sound out! Brimming with dreams of being born
大きな空へ いま旅立とう
Let's see out now towards that big sky
拓け! 笑顔を味方につけて
Open up! Put a smilling face on out friends
離さない 諦めたくない
Don't let go, I don't want to give up
限界さえも 跳ね返す勇気で
Have courage to repel even limits
dream solister
ひとつ ふたつと増えてゆく
As one, two start to multiply
おいでよ ここまでおいで
Come, come here
楽しまなくちゃ まだまだフォルテシモ
You have to have fun, there's much more until we're a fortissimo
dream solister

La La La La La 君の声 聴かせて欲しいよ
La La La La La I want to hear your voice!
La La La La La 終わらない音楽は 続いてゆく
La La La La La our endless music goes on and on!