KAT-TUN ONE DAY english translation
KAT-TUN ONE DAY song lyrics
KAT-TUN ONE DAY translation
もっと幸せ探したい だけど運命はすぐに変わらない
One wants to find more hsppiness,But fate won't changebthat quickly
永遠の旅の途中で 明日を見失いそうになる
In the middle of eternity's trip It seems one will lose sight of tomorrow
迷って 悩んで 信じてるなんて
Feeling lost, feeling trouble, thing's like believing
軽く 言わないで 二人寄り添って!
I Won't say them lightly let's cuddle together!
二度と逢えない YOU! YOU! YOU! 抱きしめて歩こう
Never again to meet You!You!You!Lets walk while holding onto each other
雨の日には YOU! YOU! YOU! 君の傘になろう
During a rainy day You!You!You! Let me become your umbrella
On This Planet I only want yiu to smile
となりにいるよ ONE DAY!
I'll be on your side ONE DAY!
時を超えて YOU! YOU! YOU! 君と叶えたい ONE DAY!
Let's pass through time YOU!YOU!YOU! I want to grant this to you ONE DAY!
Always not saying those words
To do it now is embarrassing
Actuslly, we're so close that even if not said
You understand them,Right?
違うね 違うよ 気がないなんて
Is wrong,Right? Is wrong,things like saying not being interested
嘘は 言わないで 素直になって!
Don't tell lies,become an honest person!
かけがえのない YOU! YOU! YOU!
Money can't buy YOU! YOU! YOU!
Thanks for being here
この世界で YOU! YOU! YOU! めぐり逢えて良かった
In this world You! You! You!Having meet you Im happy
Let's walk arm in arm on this path
ずっとキセキ続くなら ONE DAY!
While his miracle will always continue ONEvDAY!
二人で行こう YOU! YOU! YOU!
let's go together YOU! You! You!
君と叶えたい ONE DAY!
I want to grant this to you ONE DAY!
OH! 好きだとか嫌いなんて OH! 大切なステップ
Oh! Things as"Liking you", things like "Hate"Oh! Are an important step
OH! 喜びや悲しみも 全部包んで 二人で行こう
OH! Joy and as well sadnss,engulf everithing,together let's go
let's pass through time....
二度と逢えない YOU! YOU! YOU! 抱きしめて歩こう
Never again to meet You!You!You!Lets walk while holding onto each other
雨の日には YOU! YOU! YOU! 君の傘になろう
During a rainy day You!You!You! Let me become your umbrella
On This Planet I only want yiu to smile
となりにいるよ ONE DAY!
I'll be on your side ONE DAY!
時を超えて YOU! YOU! YOU! 君と叶えたい ONE DAY!
Let's pass through time YOU!YOU!YOU! I want to grant this to you ONE DAY!
one day! one day!