KAT-TUN NEIRO english translation
KAT-TUN NEIRO song lyrics
KAT-TUN NEIRO translation
怖いから格好つけて ここで話せなかったことがある
because of my insecurities I try to show off. Here, now, i have something I need to say
僕がここで笑えるのは 君がいたから
the reason I'm standing here smiling, is because you were there
our story that started here
この屋根の下 今を分かち合う
under this roof now we share
この光 君の優しさを こんなにも感じてる
this light, your kindness, it is overwhelming
どれだけの 時が過ぎ流れても 帰る場所は君が奏でるNEIRO
no matter how long time passes by the place I'll come back to is the tune you play
寂しくて揺れる夜は いつも君に会いたくなる
swaying alone on desolate nights, I'll wan't to see you
君が笑顔くれるから また元気になる
because your smiles give me courage
the most precious thing in this world
この瞬間が 生きる道しるべ
in this moment, you are my guide in life
この光 君の優しさを こんなにも感じてる
this light, your kindness, it is overwhelming
またいつか この道に迷っても 帰る場所は君が奏でるNEIRO
one day when I get lost on this path again the place I'll come back to is the tune you play
誰も君をわからなくても 君の音聴こえるよ
Even if nobody understands you, I'm listening to you
ここで初めて出会った日を I STILL REMEMBER
here, the day we first met I still remember
この広い 世界の片隅で 君と出会えた奇跡
in this small corner of this vast world, meeting you was a miracle
傷ついて 消えそうになっても 帰る場所は僕らのNEIRO
getting hurt, on the verge of fading away, even so the place I'll come back to is the tune you play
この光 君の優しさを こんなにも感じてる
this light, your kindness, it is overwhelming
どれだけの 時が過ぎ流れても 帰る場所は僕らのNEIRO
no matter how times pass the place I'll come back to is the tune you play
the place I'll come back to is the tune you play