José Luis Perales A Mi Padre english translation

José Luis Perales A Mi Padre song lyrics
José Luis Perales A Mi Padre translation
Tiene el andar cansado y a sus espaldas
He has tired walking and behind his back
Sesenta y tantos años de esperanza.
Sixty plus years of hope.
Tiene una casa
He has a house
Verdugo de sus manos y sus espaldas.
Executioner of his hands and his backs.

Cuando amanece el día camina y canta
When the day dawns, he walks and sings
BUSCANDO DE la tierra en las entrañas
LOOKING FOR the earth in the bowels
El pan caliente
The hot bread
Milagro que realiza cada mañana.
Miracle that he does every morning.

Es aprendiz de todo, maestro en nada
He is apprentice to everything, master in nothing
Es poeta a su modo, le gusta el alBa
He is a poet in his own way, he likes the dawn
Y entre sus manos
and between your hands

y entre sus manos
and between your hands
Florecen a escondidas algunas llagas.
Some sores bloom secretly.

Tiene cansado el cuerpo, cansada el alma
Has tired the body, tired the soul
Tiene un interrogante sobre su cara
He has a question mark on his face
Tiene un camino
have a way

tiene un camino
have a way
Le gusta ser amigo de sus amigos.
He likes to be friends with his friends.

Quiso cambiar su vida, dejar la aldea
He wanted to change his life, leave the village
MAs no PASÓ de ser una quimera
but I do not pass it from being a chimera
Una quimera
A chimera
Que se QUEDÓ dormida entre la tierra.
That she STAYED asleep among the earth.

Tiene cansado el cuerpo, cansada el alma
Has tired the body, tired the soul
Luce sobre su pecho camisa blanca
White shirt on his chest
Con su mirada
With his look

con su mirada
With his look
Me dice que la vida
It tells me that life

No vale nada.
It's not worth anything.