Jorge Drexler El Sur Del Sur english translation

Jorge Drexler El Sur Del Sur song lyrics
Jorge Drexler El Sur Del Sur translation
Al sur del sur
South in the South
hay un sitio que está olvidado,
there's a forgotten place
que está cerrado como un baúl
closed like a vault

El viento
the wind
cruza la calle buscando abrigo
crosses the streets looking for shelter
y no hay testigos al sur del sur
and there're no witnesses, South in the South

"No vayas
don't go
la ruta no es buena…"
highway isn't well
-me dicen-
they tell me
"no vayas
don't go
no vale la pena…"
isn't worth it

El tiempo
al sur del sur, se ha detenido
South in the South has stopped
se ha distraído con no sé qué
I has been distracted by something I don't know

Y el aire
and air
es en realidad una gelatina
is gelatine
tan cristalina que no se ve.
so pure that you can't see it

"No vayas
don't go
la ruta no existe,
there's no path
después no digas:
after you don't say
no me lo advertiste"
you didn't advice me

"no pierdas tu sitio en la mesa",
don't miss your seat at the table
-me dicen-
they tell me
"no vayas,
don't go
¿a quien le interesa?"
who cares?

Si hubiera en total
if there were just
dos sitios
two sites
sería el segundo,
it would have been the second
el fin del mundo, el sur del sur…
the world's end, South in the South