Joan Manuel Serrat Cantares english translation

Joan Manuel Serrat Cantares song lyrics
Joan Manuel Serrat Cantares translation
Todo pasa y todo queda
Everything happens and everything is
pero lo nuestro es pasar
but our thing is to pass
pasar haciendo caminos
pass by making roads
caminos sobre la mar.
paths on the sea.

Nunca perseguí la gloria
I never pursued glory.
ni dejar en la memoria
nor leave in memory
de los hombres mi canción
of men my song
yo amo los mundos sutiles
I love the subtle worlds
ingrávidos y gentiles
weightless and gentle
como pompas de jabón.
like soap bubbles.

Me gusta verlos pintarse
I like to see them painted
de sol y grana, volar
of sun and grana, fly
bajo el cielo azul, temblar
Under the blue sky, tremble
súbitamente y quebrarse...
suddenly and break ...

Nunca perseguí la gloria.
I never pursued glory.

Caminante, son tus huellas
Walker, are your tracks
el camino y nada más
the road and nothing else
caminante, no hay camino
"Walker, there's no way

se hace camino al andar.
the path is made by walking.
Al andar se hace camino
When walking, it makes its way
y al volver la vista atrás
and when looking back
se ve la senda que nunca
you see the path that never

se ha de volver a pisar.
it has to be stepped on again.
Caminante no hay camino
"Walker, there's no way

sino estelas en la mar...
but wakes in the sea...
Hace algún tiempo en ese lugar
Some time ago in that place
donde hoy los bosques se visten de espinos
where today the forests are dressed with thorns
se oyó la voz de un poeta gritar:
the voice of a poet was heard to shout:
"caminante, no hay camino
"Walker, there's no way

se hace camino al andar..."
the path is made by walking.

Golpe a golpe, verso a verso...
Blow to blow, verse to verse
Murió el poeta lejos del hogar.
He died the poet away from home.
Le cubre el polvo de un país vecino.
It covers the dust of a neighboring country.
Al alejarse le vieron llorar.
When they left, they saw him cry.
"caminante, no hay camino
"Walker, there's no way

se hace camino al andar..."
the path is made by walking.
Golpe a golpe, verso a verso...
Blow to blow, verse to verse
Cuando el jilguero no puede cantar.
When the finch can not sing.
Cuando el poeta es un peregrino
When the poet is a pilgrim
cuando de nada nos sirve rezar.
when praying is of no use to us.
"Caminante, no hay camino
"Walker, there's no way
se hace camino al andar..."
the path is made by walking.
Golpe a golpe, verso a verso
Blow to blow, verse to verse
golpe a golpe, verso a verso
Blow to blow, verse to verse
golpe a golpe, verso a verso.
Blow to blow, verse to verse