JKT48 Virginity english translation
JKT48 Virginity song lyrics
JKT48 Virginity translation
Ya, ciuman itu bukan
Come on, yearn for my kiss
Hal yang dapat berkurang
It's not the end of the world
Aku tau maksud perkataanmu
I know what you want to say, but
Tapi kalau sampai ciuman
if I were to kiss you,
Sesuatu kan berkurang
something would get smaller
Ada dalam diriku
within me
Di ruang kelas saat
Outside the classroom,
Matahari tenggelam
the day grows dark,
Dari jendela
and the sky outside
Langit bagaikan jam pasir
the window frame is an hourglass
Dirimu yang mentup gorden pun tiba-tiba
Having drawn back the curtains, you were suddenly
Tampak sangat dewasa
visible as an adult
Aku suka.
So yes,
Lebih dari siapapun
I like you,
I like you more than anyone else
Tak boleh berdiam diri saja
I can't quite be composed about it
Ya, ciuman itu bukan
Come on, yearn for my kiss
Hal yang dapat berkurang
It's not the end of the world
Cowok pasti berpikir seperti itu
I wonder if boys even think?
Tapi kalau sampai ciuman
if I were to kiss you,
Pasti akan berubah
surely I'd change
Tak bisa bilang papa
I can't speak to my father of
Virginity (Jangan kau kotori) Virginity
Virginity (Don't contaminate) Virginity
Lorong tangga darurat
In the hallway,
Dilorongnya terlihat
where the green sign faintly
Ada pertanda hijau berdengung diatas
floated above the door to the emergency stairs,
Sambil melempar canda
I drew closer to your face
Wajahmu pun perlahan
as you told a
Mulai mendekatiku
joke to someone
Kutak bisa
This is already impossible for me,
Hal ini belum pernah kualami
a beginning like this
Tak dapat bohongi perasaan
My feelings are straightforward
Jika sesudah berciuman
Look, after I kissed you,
Sesuatu berkurang
it did end up get smaller
Tapi ku tak tahu apakah itu
I don't understand what it was
Ya, sambil dicium aku
So, as you're kissed by me,
Terus menutup mata
I closed my eyelids
Sebagai ganti cinta
In exchange for love, I give
Virginity (Menjadi dewasa) Virginity
Virginity (I'm stretching myself up to you) Virginity
Ya, ciuman itu bukan
Come on, yearn for my kiss
Hal yang dapat berkurang
It's not the end of the world
Aku tau maksud perkataanmu
I know what you want to say, but
Tapi kalau sampai ciuman
if I were to kiss you,
Sesuatu kan berkurang
something would get smaller
Ada dalam diriku
within me