JKT48 Halloween Night english translation

JKT48 Halloween Night song lyrics
JKT48 Halloween Night translation
Saat pintu kubuka bagaikan time machine
When I open the door it's like time machine
Di mimpi ku masuk kembali ke diskotik
In my dream go back to the discotheque
Di party yang menyihir aku mencari dirimu
In a bewitching party I'm looking for you
Monster-monster cinta trus menari sampai pagi
Love monsters dance until morning

Mirror ball pun terus berputar, dance floor
Mirror ball is keep turning around, dance floor
Parade kostum semuanya untuk trick or threat
All costume parades for trick or threat
Disini ku sendiri dan merasa kebingungan
Here I am alone and feel confused
Pusaran irama ku harus berbuat apa
Whirlwind rhytm what should I do

Halloween Night, Midnight Boogie Night
Halloween Night, Midnight Boogie Night
Labu yang tersenyum mengundang
The smiling pumpkin invites
Ya tepuk tanganmu, goyangkan pinggul
Yes your applause, shake your hips
Malam ini tak usah berpikir panjang
Tonight don't have to think long
Halloween Night, Ayo menari
Halloween Night, Let's dance
Tak perlu ucapkan apapun
No need to say anything
Sudah lupakan saja, Hal yang lainnya
Forget it, another things
Karnival yang hanya setahun sekali
Carnival that only once a year
Hari ini semua setan pun bebas
Today all demons are free
Halloween Night
Halloween Night

Bisa menjadi yang diinginkan, fantasy world
Can be anything, fantasy world
Magic satu malam kabulkanlah permintaanku
Magic one night take my request
Yang terpenting adalah bagaimana kau saat kecil
The important thing is how are you as a child
Terlahir kembali tanpa kehilangan insting
Born again without loss of instinct

Halloween Night, Check time fall in love
Halloween Night, Check time fall in love
Sebelum musiknya berganti
Before the music changed
Ayo kita menari, sekali lagi
Let's dance, once again
Jika ingin bertemu harus mencolok
If you want to meet should be striking
Halloween Night, Ayo menari
Halloween Night, Let's dance
Dilautan ombak manusia
The waves of human waves
Tak perlu pikir panjang, ikuti saja
No need to think long, just follow
Dipojokan dunia seperti ini
In the world corner like this
Ada kostum dan make up yang dicintai
There are costumes and make up which are loved
Special Night
Special Night

Are You Ready.
Are You Ready.
Happy. Happy. Halloween Night
Happy. Happy. Halloween Night

Saat fajar tiba yang masih saling cium
At dawn it was still kissing each other
Hanya kita berdua saja
Just the two of us
Kekuatan cinta bagaikan gravitasi
The power of love is like gravity
Trick or Threat.
Trick or Threat.

Halloween Night, Midnight Boogie Night
Halloween Night, Midnight Boogie Night
Labu yang tersenyum mengundang
The smiling pumpkin invites
Ya tepuk tanganmu, goyangkan pinggul
Yes your applause, shake your hips
Malam ini tak usah berpikir panjang
Tonight don't have to think long
Halloween Night, Ayo menari
Halloween Night, Let's dance
Tak perlu ucapkan apapun
No need to say anything
Sudah lupakan saja, hal yang lainnya
Forget it, another things
Karnival yang hanya setahun sekali
Carnival that only once a year
Hari ini semua setan pun bebas
Today all demons are free
Halloween Night
Halloween Night