Jamrud Asal British english translation
Jamrud Asal British song lyrics
Jamrud Asal British translation
Dengarlah kasih lagu baru yang kucipta
listen the new song i've created dear
tuk menemani saat tidurmu malam nanti
to hold you when gone to the sleep tonight
ini lagunya kubuat seindah mungkin hanya untukmu
this song i've created beatiful just for you
dengan harapan kau bisa hanyut terlena sampai kau ngantuk
with hope you will fall in your sleep
mungkin kau bisa tidur dengan sejuta mimpi
maybe you can sleep with a million of dreams
tentang kita yang lagi mesra-mesraan
about us making love
atau tentang bintang, bulan dan matahari
or about stars, moon and sun
kau langsung manyun karna musiknya nggak funky itu katamu
you've pout distate because that music is not funky your said
trus ngamuk-ngamuk karena liriknya domestik bukannya amrik
and then angry because the lyric are domestic one, not the US one
bilang kalau tak suka mumpung kau belum muntah
said if you don't like before you're puke
Ya terang aja seleramu berubah
course you're style was change
mungkin terlalu banyak gaul ama turis
maybe you're play with the tourists
jadi hobbynya denger yang inggris-inggris
so your hobbies is listen an english
biar bingung asal british
even if confused its british
"wen de skai of skey dis way en fain deskil de spai de fil of main"
when the sky of sky this way and vein this skill the spy the fill of main
"wen de skai to swimming pul en fain des krai de fil of remember"
when the sky to swiming pool and vein this cry the fill of remember
"clos de dor en no smoking en fren des way en pis to pis alrait"
close the door and no smoking and friend this way and face to face alright
alrait beibeh!
alright baby!
sebelum bubar balikin aja kasetnya untukku lagi
before we broke off bring back the cassette for me
biar kusimpan untuk jadikan mas kawin kalau ku married
let me save for my wedding price when i get married