Jamrud Ancur english translation
Jamrud Ancur song lyrics
Jamrud Ancur translation
Namamu selalu kubisikin
My name is always whispered.
Dalam tidurku dalam mimpiku setiap malam
In my sleep every night in my dreams.
Hatimu melekat dikulitku
Your heart is embedded in my skin
Belum dipeluk belum dicium kita lalui
Not yet embraced yet kissed us through
Tapi kau kabur dengan duda anak tiga pilihan ibumu
But you run off with your mother's widower son three options
Hatiku ancur berserakan berhamburan
My heart is broken scattered scattered
Kaya jeroannya binatang
such as the contents of animals
Ya sudah
Kumenangis seadanya sekuat tenaga
I cried potluck With all one's might
Ya sudahlah...
Kau memang setan alas gak punya perasaan...
You're a devil board Do not have a feeling
Doaku diakan nikahmu semoga siduda diracun orang
My prayer is wished you married the widower poisoned people
Biar terus mampus.
Let continue to die