Hombres G Temblando english translation
Hombres G Temblando song lyrics
Hombres G Temblando translation
Con los ojos cerrados
With closed eyes
El cielo está nublado
The sky is cloudy
Y a lo lejos, tú
And in the distance, you.
De lo que te ha pasado
About what you have beem through
Intentando ordenar palabras
Trying to sort words
Para no hacerme
Not to make me
Tanto daño
So much damage
Tanto daño
So much damage
Y yo sigo temblando...
And i'm still trembling
De la mano
By the hand
Y con mucho cuidado
And very carefully
Os besasteis en silencio
You kissed in silence
Donde no había luz
Where there wasn't light
Y me hace gracia
And its funny to me
Tu manera de contarlo
The way you tell it
Como el que cuenta
Like the one that says
Que ha pensado
That one had thought
Que ha decidido
That one has decided
Que seguimos
That we are still
Siendo amigos
Being friends
Y yo estoy temblando
And I'm trembling
Y llorando
And crying
Me había jurado
I had swore
Que nunca iba a llorar
That i was never going to cry
Cada palabra
each word
Que no quiero escuchar
That i don't want to listen to
Tearing me apart
Begging you
Intentando hacerte recordar
Trying to make you remember
Pero tú...
But you…
Solo dices...
Just Say
..."voy a colgar"...
…"I'm going to hang up"...