Hombres G Chico Tienes Que Cuidarte english translation

Hombres G Chico Tienes Que Cuidarte song lyrics
Hombres G Chico Tienes Que Cuidarte translation
Ayer me fui a visitar
Yesterday i went visit
a mi medico de cabecera
my headline doctor
y la verdad es que no se porque
and the truth is, i dont know why

es que a veces te da por pensar
its just that sometimes you start thinking
que algo te funciona mal
that something is wrong
cuando la verdad es que me encuentro bien
when the truth is that I am fine

me sente un ratito en la sala de espera
i sat a little while in the waiting room
y hojeando una revista me entere de...
and scamming a magazine i found out
Quien se acuesta con la Jet-Set
who sleeps whith the Jet-Set
pero inmediatamente vino la enfermera
but immediately the nurse came
"puede pasar usted".
you can come in

"Levantate la camisa
put your shirt up
respira hondo y dime treintaitres...
take a deep breath and tell me thirty-three
tu fumas bastante dime si me equivoco
you smoke a lot tell me if i am wrong
pero que te pasa, te estas volviendo loco?"
but whats the matter, are you going crazy?

Chico tienes que cuidarte
Boy you have to take care of yourself
cuanto crees que duraras asi
how long do you think you'll last like this
cuanto crees que tu organismo podra resistir
how much do you think your organism can resist

Fui a casa detrozado
i went home wrecked
me meti a la cama
went to bed
con un colacao, y una aspirina
with chocolate milk and an aspirin

puse la television
turned the TV on
y nada mas ponerla el primer anuncio
and just in the first commercial
uno del SIDA
one of HVI
Mi vecino vino a verme enseguida...
My neighbor came to see me then
"pero chico que te pasa como estas?"
But boy, whats wrong, how are you?

Chico tienes que cuidarte
Boy you have to take care of yourself
cuanto crees que duraras asi
how long do you think you'll last like this
cuanto crees que tu organismo podra resistir
how much do you think your organism can resist
Chico tienes que cuidarte
Boy you have to take care of yourself
cuanto crees que duraras asi
how long do you think you'll last like this
cuanto crees que tu organismo podra resistir
how much do you think your organism can resist
Chico tienes que cuidarte
Boy you have to take care of yourself
cuanto crees que duraras asi
how long do you think you'll last like this
cuanto crees que tu organismo podra resistir
how much do you think your organism can resist