Gandhi Eterno english translation
Gandhi Eterno song lyrics
Gandhi Eterno translation
Corazón que agita
Heart that shakes
Enredado con la hiel
Mixed up with the ivy
Es mi sangre que revienta
Its my blood that bursts
perforando por la piel
punctures the skin
Envenéname, insaciable
Poison me, insatiable
con espinas, fuego y sal
with thorns, fire and salt
con tu voz que me reinventa
with your voice that reinvents me
aliviándome este mal
alleviating this evil
Hoy y siempre
Today and forever
Lluvia en este bosque
Rain in this forest
resbalando por placer
slipping for pleasure
Lubricando fantasías
Lubricating fantasies
abre grietas al caer
opening crack as it falls
Atropéllame, implacable
Run over me, relentless
con tus aguas, con tu mar
with your waters, with your sea
Rompe el hielo que sostiene
Break the ice that holds
porque voy a naufragar
because Im gonna be shipwrecked
Hoy y siempre
Today and forever
gota a gota
drop by drop
infinito es el mar
infinite is the sea
eterno mar
endless sea
Hoy y siempre
Today and forever
gota a gota
drop by drop
infinito es el mar
infinite is the sea
Hoy y siempre
Today and forever
gota a gota
drop by drop
infinito es el mar
infinite is the sea
eterno amar
endless sea
Hoy y siempre
Today and forever
gota a gota
drop by drop
infinito es el mar
infinite is the sea