Carmen Soliman Albi Ydok english translation
Carmen Soliman Albi Ydok song lyrics
Carmen Soliman Albi Ydok translation
قلبى يدق
My heart is beating
بروح معاه مبقولش ﻷ
I just go with him I wouldn't say no
شفتك لقيت قلبى اتسرق
I saw you my heart stolen
لحظت لقاك عمرى بدأ
The moment I met you my life started
انت وبس
Only you
اللى فى بالى وخلانى احس
In my mind and made me feel
انا كنت عايشة كدة وبس
I was just living
دلوقتى قلبى طلعلو حس
At this time my heart start to feel
حبك ملك كل حياتى
Your love took over my life
خلانى اغير حساباتى
Made me to rethink
حسيت بجد ان عايشة . كل اللى قبلك كان اوهام
I felt I am alive . Everything before you was illusions
دلوقتى فرحانة بنفسى
At this time I am happy with myself
خرجنى حبك من يأسى
Your love took me out of my depression
قوانى خلانى اطمن . وهعيش معاك اجمل ايام
Maked me stronger and made me comfortable. I am living with you best days
نام و ارتاح
Sleep and rest
خلاص ياقلبى مفيش جراح
No more heartbreaks
حاسة انى طايرة من الفرح
I feel like I am flying from happiness
حبيت يادنيا حبيت انا
I am in love
لو فى كلام
If there are words
يوصف مشاعرى هقول واعيد
Describe my feeling I would say them again
انا جوا منى كلام جديد
Inside me, new feelings to be told
متقالش لسة عن حبنا
Yet, to be told about our love