Carlos Vives El Caballito english translation
Carlos Vives El Caballito song lyrics
Carlos Vives El Caballito translation
Se encojó, se encojó
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Se encojó mi caballito
My horse was shrunk
Mi caballo de madera
My wooden horse
mi juguete más bonito
My most beautiful toy
se le ha dañado una pata
y se encojó mi caballito
And my horse fell
Navegando río abajo
Sailing down the river
vi jugando un abuelito
I saw a grandpa playing
me enseñó como curarlo
Taught me how to cure it
y bailamos este jueguito
And we danced this little game
Atención a los pelaos
Attention to the poros
que ahora va empezá el cuentico
What is the beginning of the story now?
Vamos todos a imitar
Let's all imitate
lo que haga el caballito
What the horse does
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Se encojó mi caballito
My horse was shrunk
Se encojó, se encojó
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Se encojó mi caballito
My horse was shrunk
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Caminó mi caballito
Walked my horse
Caminó, caminó
Walked walked
Caminó mi caballito
Walked my horse
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Galopó mi caballito
Galloped my horse
Galopó, galopó
Galloping, galloping
Galopó mi caballito
Galloped my horse
Ay que se encojó y se encojó
Oh that it shrank and shrank
Se encojó mi caballito
My horse was shrunk
Ay que se encojó y caminó
Oh that he shrunk and walked
Caminó mi caballito
Walked my horse
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Brincó mi caballito
Joked my horse
Ya brincó, ya brincó
He jumped already jumped
Ya brincó mi caballito
My horse has jumped already
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Se enhieló mi caballito
My horse was trimmed
Se enhieló, se enhieló
Enhanced, enhanced
Se enhielo mi caballito
My horse is snowed
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Se agachó mi caballito
Buckled my horse
Se agachó, se agachó
Bent over
Se agachó como un sapito
He crouched like a little toad
Ay que ya brincó y se enhielo
Already jumped and swelled
Se agachó mi caballito
Buckled my horse
Egidio con su acordeón
Egidio with his accordion
También juega al caballito
Also plays the horse
Egidio con su acordeón
Egidio with his accordion
Hazlo tú con las manitos
Do it with your hands
Galopandó vamos ya
Galopandó, let's go now
Tiqui-taca el caballito
Tiki the horse
Como lo diga el tambor
As the drum says
lo hacemos con las manitos
We do it with the hands
Como Gilberth lo tocó
As Gilberth touched it
Lo hacemos igualitico
We do it evenly
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Se encojó mi caballito
My horse was shrunk
Se encojó, se encojó
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Se encojó mi caballito
My horse was shrunk
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
Corrió mi caballito
Ran my horse
Ya corrió, ya corrió
Already ran, already ran
Ya corrió mi caballito
My horse ran
Uelelei ei ela
Hey, she
giró mi caballito
Turned my horse
Ya giró ya giró
Already turned and turned
ya giró mi caballito
My horse has already turned
Ay que se encojó y ya corrió
Oh that it shrank and it already ran
Ya corrió mi caballito
My horse ran
Es que ya corrió y se paró
Is that already ran and stopped
Se agarró de las manitos
Grabbed the hands
Y giró y giró
And he turned and turned
Y giró mi caballito
And turned my horse
Giró, giró, giró, giró
Rotated, rotated, rotated, rotated
Y giró mi caballito
And turned my horse
Ya cansado mi caballo
I'm tired, my horse
ha cerrado sus ojitos
Has closed his eyes
vamos todos a arrullarlo
Let's all coo
se durmió mi caballito.
My horse fell asleep