Carlos Vives Miguel Canales english translation

Carlos Vives Miguel Canales song lyrics
Carlos Vives Miguel Canales translation
Cuando viene de la Paz algÚn amigo
When from La Paz comes a friend
le pregunto si ha visto a Miguel Canales (bis)
I ask him if he has seen Miguel Canales

Dicen que en la montaña está perdido
They say that he is lost in the mountain
que tiene mucho tiempo que no sale (bis)
That he hasn't come out for quite sometime

De su vida, de su vida, no se sabe
Of his life, of his life, nothing is known
porque Migue, en la montaña está perdido (bis)
Because Miguel, in the mountain is lost

Dicen que tiene barba como un padre
They say he wears a father's beard
dicen que tiene el pelo como un indio (bis)
They say he has indian hair

Ay! que le estará pasando al pobre Migue
Oh! what could it be happening to the poor Migue
que tiene mucho tiempo que no sale (bis)
That he hasn't come out for quite sometime

Apuesto a que si sabe que Yo vine
I bet that if he knows that I came by
de la motaña sale el pobre Migue
From the mountain poor Migue will come
decíle que lo espero aquí en la Paz
Tell him that I'll wait for him here in La Paz
que si no viene aquí yo voy allá.
that if he doesn't come I'll go where he is

Cuando sigo, cuando sigo preguntando
As I ask, as I ask
me dicen que no tiene cuando venir (bis)
They tell me that he has no return

Porque se ha convertido en hermitaño
Beacuse he's become a hermit
de la montaña no quiere salir (bis)
from the mountain he doesn't want to leave

Me le dicen, me le dicen a Miguel
Tell him for me, tell Miguel for me
que se deje, que se deje ver la cara (bis)
that he should show, should show his face

Qué si no viene aquí, yo voy por él
That if he doesn't come I will go for him
antes que se lo trague la montaña.(bis)
Before the mountain sollows him up

Que le estará pasando al pobre Migue
What is could be happening to the poor Migue
que tiene mucho tiempo que no sale (bis)
That he hasn't come out for quite sometime

Apuesto a que si sabe que Yo vine
I bet that if he knows that I came by
de la motaña sale el pobre Migue
From the mountain poor Migue will come
decíle que lo espero aquí en la Paz
Tell him that I'll wait for him here in La Paz
que si no viene aquí yo voy allá.
that if he doesn't come I'll go where he is