Akher Zapheer Arba' Sneen english translation
Akher Zapheer Arba' Sneen song lyrics
Akher Zapheer Arba' Sneen translation
اربع سنيين, نكد, سكوت ابلع
Four years, misery, shut up and swallow
و الحال, وقفت قلب, دخنت حجر
And the situation, stops my heart, I smoke stone
و كأني مش موجود, انتي كتير في بالي, و انا مش ببالك
As if I were not there, you were so often on my mind, and I was not on yours
و انا كتير مبالي, عم بتكوّن منّك
And I care too much , I am becoming what you want me to be
ما جاوبتي سؤالي, جاوبتي بسؤالك
You didn't answer my question, you answered it with your question
عالمك خيالي, طلعتيني لعندك
Your world is all fantasy, you pulled me to you
و اليل عم يستنّى اطلعله اوصفها, زهقته فيها, قد ما حكيتله عنها
And the night is waiting for me to describe her, I bored him with how much I speak of her
اربع, اربع سنين, انا كنت كتير حزين
Four , four years , I was very sad
رسغي بينزف ساعتين, سألوها, قالتلهم مين؟, ما عرفتنيش
My wrist bleeding for two hours, they asked her about it, she said "who?", she didn't know me
و لما رسغي شافت, سكتت خافت
And when she saw my wrist, she got quiet, scared
و الحال قلبت نكد, عاشت ماتت
The situation became miserable, she lived, she died
و كأني جديد مولود, رسغي عم يحكني, اجيبله ملّ منّك
As if I'm a newborn, my wrist spoke to me, I'd bring him but he's bored of you
انزلي عحالي, و عبّي مخّي بدمّك
Get away from me, fill my brain with your blood
طحنتيلي قلبي, و شمّيتي عن ايدك
Your crushed my heart, and smelled the blood off your hands
توّسعوا عيونك, ما ضل قلب اطحنلك
Your eyes grew wide, no heart left for you to crush
و الليل عم يستنّى, اطلعه ارسمها
And the night awaits, for me to go out and paint her
زهّقته فيها, قد ما حكيتله عنها
I bored him with how much I speak of her
اربع, اربع سنين, نحنا كنا نايمين
Four, four years, we have been sleeping
و صحينا احنا الاتنين, سألوها, قالتلهم مييين؟ و ما عرفتنيش
And we both woke up, they asked her of me, she said "who?", she didn't know me
اربع سنين مرّوا بسنتين, فصمتني كتير مرّة و مرتين
Four years passed in two years' time, you made me schizophrenic, once, and twice