鹿乃 アイロニ english translation
鹿乃 アイロニ song lyrics
鹿乃 アイロニ translation
少し歩き疲れたんだ 少し歩き疲れたんだ
I'm a little tired of walking, I'm a little tired of walking
月並みな表現だけど 人生とかいう長い道を
Forgive the trite expression, but I tired on life's long road
少し休みたいんだ 少し休みたいんだけど
I want to take a little break, I want to take a little break, but...
時間は刻一刻残酷と 私を 引っぱっていくんだ
Time cruelly goes hour by hour, and so drags me right along
うまくいきそうなんだけど うまくいかないことばかりで
It seems things are going well, but in the end, they never really are
迂闊にも泣いてしまいそうになる 情けない本当にな
So in my carelessness, I'm brought to tears; it's shameful, it's true
惨めな気持ちなんか 嫌というほど味わってきたし
These feelings of misery, I've tasted more than I'd like to admit
とっくに悔しさなんてものは 捨ててきたはずなのに
And yet, I should've long ago left behind my regret
絶望抱くほど 悪いわけじゃないけど
It's not quite so bad as to bring me to despair,
欲しいものは いつも少し手には届かない
but the things I want are always just out of reach
そんな半端だとねなんか 期待してしまうから
Really, it's silly, isn't it? But I just keep foolishly hoping
それならもういっそのこと ドン底まで突き落としてよ
In that case, just get it over with- just drop me into the depths already
答えなんて言われたって 人によってすり替わってって
You say to ask for an answer, but it would depend on the person
だから絶対なんて絶対 信じらんないよねぇ
So I could never, no, never, believe in anyone right?
苦しみって誰にもあるって そんなのわかってるから何だって
Everyone has hardships- Yes, of course I understand that
なら笑って済ませばいいの? もうわかんないよバカ!
But is it right to just laugh them off? I don't know anymore... Stupid!
散々言われてきたくせに なんだまんざらでもないんだ
Even though I'm told so harshly, I still don't have everything together
簡単に考えたら楽なことも 難関に考えてたんだ
Thinking simply on even the easy things, I keep overthinking
段々と色々めんどくなってもう 淡々と終わらせちゃおうか
Everything's getting more troublesome, so should I casually out an end to it?
「病んだ?」とかもう嫌になったから やんわりと終わればもういいじゃんか
"Are you sick?" Well I'm sick of hearing it; Can't I just have things end in peace?
夢だとか希望とか 生きてる意味とか
My dreams, my aspirations, my reasons for living?
別にそんなものはさして 必要ないから
It's not like there's any real need to have such things
具体的でわかりやすい 機会をください
If it were tangible, it'd be easy to tell. Give me an opportunity
泣き場所探すうちに もう泣き疲れちゃったよ
While looking for a place to cry, I'd already gotten tired of crying
きれいごとって嫌いだって 期待しちゃっても形になんなくて
I hate to just gloss over things; I keep hoping, but nothing takes form
「星が僕ら見守って」って 夜しかいないじゃん ねぇ
"The stars watch over us," you say, but aren't they only appear at night? Hey...
君のその優しいとこ 不覚にも求めちゃうから
You show such kindness, but I demand it in every failure
この心やらかいとこ もう触んないで ヤダ!
My heart is too frail; Don't touch it... No more!
もうほっといて もう置いてって
Just back off... Just leave me be...
汚れきったこの道は もう変わんないよ嗚呼
This dirty road I walk; Isn't going to change
疲れちゃって弱気になって 逃げ出したって無駄なんだって
I'm worn out, I've turned timid, and running away would be futile
だから内面耳塞いで もう最低だって泣いて
So I block up my ears; This is awful, I cry
人生って何なのって わかんなくても生きてるだけで
What is life, anyway? Not even knowing, I just keep living
幸せって思えばいいの? もうわかんないよバカ!
But can I call that happyness? I don't know anymore... Stupid!