胡彥斌 和尚 english translation
胡彥斌 和尚 song lyrics
胡彥斌 和尚 translation
there's a worn down temple deep in the jungle that isn't for pilgrims。
一个和尚形单孤独 与世隔绝没人光顾
a monk is lonely and isolated, cut off from the rest of the world with no one to visit
穿着打满补丁的僧服 寒风吹透身上的破布
wearing monk clothes full of patches. a cold wind blows through the ragged cloth on his body.
看家狗瘦的皮包骨 一日三餐以吃草为主
this watchdog is skin and bones. he mainly eats grass for 3 meals a day
庙里神仙破碎斑驳 依然摆着Pose瞪着眼珠
the gods in the temple are broken and mottled. he already placed them in a pose with their eyes staring
神龛前的帘布 挂着硕大的黑蜘蛛
there's a giant spider hanging behind a curtain of an altar
和尚虽然没人监督 照样念经颂佛
even though no one is supervising the monk, he recites his Buddhist chants like usual
吃粮全靠自己耕锄 见了可作荤菜的猎物不敢捕
eating totally depends on one's own farming. he sees an animal that could be a meat dish, not daring to catch it.
早起晚睡看起来很忙碌 兢兢业业从不知道辛苦
very busy, waking in the morning and sleeping in the night. so cautious that he never realizes how hard it is
偶尔来了赶路的歇脚此处 斋饭恭候并指明下山的路
occasionally coming here to rest his legs on his journey. offering Buddhist food and pointing the way down the mountain
要是烧香的是位年轻的女施主 吓得和尚直念阿弥陀佛
if the burning of incense were a young female patron, it would scare the monk into saying "Amitabha" repeatedly
年复一年 和尚变得残年风烛
year after year, the monk becomes a candle in the wind in his final years
年复一年 和尚变得残年风烛
year after year, the monk becomes a candle in the wind in his final years
心中有佛 行善只是衣钵
there is Buddha in his heart. doing good deeds is just alms
扶幼助儒 岂能熟视无睹
supporting the young and helping scholars. how could they be ignored?
权贵财富 本是身外之物
riches and wealth are really just things outside of the body
习文弄武 求知强身之路
practicing literature and martial arts. the path of seeking knowledge and strengthening the body.
心中有佛 行善只是衣钵
there is Buddha in his heart. doing good deeds is just alms
孤单寂寞 静心修炼脱俗
alone and lonely. the refinement of practicing meditation
茶淡食粗 穿肠都是污浊
light tea and bitter food. wearing animal skin is dirty.
不辞劳苦 修得来世成佛
Working tirelessly. he practices to become a Buddha in the next life
there's a worn down temple deep in the jungle that isn't for pilgrims。
一个和尚形单孤独 与世隔绝没人光顾
a monk is lonely and isolated, cut off from the rest of the world with no one to visit
穿着打满补丁的僧服 寒风吹透身上的破布
wearing monk clothes full of patches. a cold wind blows through the ragged cloth on his body.
看家狗瘦的皮包骨 一日三餐以吃草为主
this watchdog is skin and bones. he mainly eats grass for 3 meals a day
庙里神仙破碎斑驳 依然摆着Pose瞪着眼珠
the gods in the temple are broken and mottled. he already placed them in a pose with their eyes staring
神龛前的帘布 挂着硕大的黑蜘蛛
there's a giant spider hanging behind a curtain of an altar
和尚虽然没人监督 照样念经颂佛
even though no one is supervising the monk, he recites his Buddhist chants like usual
吃粮全靠自己耕锄 见了可作荤菜的猎物不敢捕
eating totally depends on one's own farming. he sees an animal that could be a meat dish, not daring to catch it.
早起晚睡看起来很忙碌 兢兢业业从不知道辛苦
very busy, waking in the morning and sleeping in the night. so cautious that he never realizes how hard it is
偶尔来了赶路的歇脚此处 斋饭恭候并指明下山的路
occasionally coming here to rest his legs on his journey. offering Buddhist food and pointing the way down the mountain
要是烧香的是位年轻的女施主 吓得和尚直念阿弥陀佛
if the burning of incense were a young female patron, it would scare the monk into saying "Amitabha" repeatedly
年复一年 和尚变得残年风烛
year after year, the monk becomes a candle in the wind in his final years
年复一年 和尚变得残年风烛
year after year, the monk becomes a candle in the wind in his final years
心中有佛 行善只是衣钵
there is Buddha in his heart. doing good deeds is just alms
扶幼助儒 岂能熟视无睹
supporting the young and helping scholars. how could they be ignored?
权贵财富 本是身外之物
riches and wealth are really just things outside of the body
习文弄武 求知强身之路
practicing literature and martial arts. the path of seeking knowledge and strengthening the body.
心中有佛 行善只是衣钵
there is Buddha in his heart. doing good deeds is just alms
孤单寂寞 静心修炼脱俗
alone and lonely. the refinement of practicing meditation
茶淡食粗 穿肠都是污浊
light tea and bitter food. wearing animal skin is dirty.
不辞劳苦 修得来世成佛
Working tirelessly. he practices to become a Buddha in the next life