羅志祥 致命傷 english translation

羅志祥 致命傷 song lyrics
羅志祥 致命傷 translation
想 一起編織的夢想
Thinking about the times where we live our dreams together
越想 胸口就越像被人用針 狠狠的扎
The more I think, it feels like someone is using a needle to stab me hard.
才說地久天長 突然連夜逃亡
We said that we will be together but in just one night, everything is gone.

傻 所以什麼都不怕
We are silly, thats why we feel no fear.
好傻 驕傲的我們互不退讓
So silly, we are so proud so we are not lenient when we quarrel
從沒想過 會落得兩敗俱傷的下場
Never thought that this will hurt both parties in the long run.

學鋼鐵倔強 卻有致命傷
Learning to be as strong as metal but we have a mortal wound
我沒辦法 不去管 不去想 你失望眼光
I cant leave bear to look at your disappointed eyes
再拚一場 轟轟烈烈再陣亡
Lets do it again even if it hurts
Its better than you not being by my side

我沒那麼強 你是致命傷
Im not that strong, you are a mortal wound
請教教我 怎麼放 怎麼忘 扯漫天大謊
Please teach me how to let go and forget everything.
幫我一個忙 朝我心臟開一槍
Do me a favour, shoot a bullet through my heart.
我就有藉口 睜著眼把愛埋葬
So that i have an excuse to hide my love for you

傻 所以什麼都不怕
We are silly, thats why we feel no fear.
好傻 驕傲的我們互不退讓
So silly, we are so proud so we are not lenient when we quarrel
從沒想過 會落得兩敗俱傷的下場
Never thought that this will hurt both parties in the long run.

學鋼鐵倔強 卻有致命傷
Learning to be as strong as metal but we have a mortal wound
我沒辦法 不去管 不去想 你失望眼光
I cant leave bear to look at your disappointed eyes
再拚一場 轟轟烈烈再陣亡
Lets do it again even if it hurts
Its better than you not being by my side

我沒那麼強 你是致命傷
Im not that strong, you are a mortal wound
請教教我 怎麼放 怎麼忘 扯漫天大謊
Please teach me how to let go and forget everything.
幫我一個忙 朝我心臟開一槍
Do me a favour, shoot a bullet through my heart.
我就有藉口 睜著眼把愛埋葬
So that i have an excuse to hide my love for you

我越掙扎 越瘋狂 越妄想 抱你在胸膛
The more i struggle, the more i become crazy and imagine that you are in my arms.
我犯的錯 就用一輩子賠償
I made a mistake and i will pay the price for the rest of my life
I wont seek for your forgiveness

我沒那麼強 你是致命傷
Im not that strong, you are a mortal wound
請教教我 怎麼闖 怎麼搶 能讓你回航
Please teach me how do i get you back
最後一個吻 當作心碎的獎賞
The last kiss, take it as a price for my heartbreak
我就有力量 一個人裝瘋賣傻
So that i have the strength to act like nothing is going on..