田馥甄 無用 english translation

田馥甄 無用 song lyrics
田馥甄 無用 translation
Don't tell me how much you love me
當此刻我都這麽煩我 討厭我
When I'm tired of myself and hate myself
Don't tell me how much you know me
連我都不想真的弄懂 某個我
Even I don't wanna know some kind of me
讓不安做我朋友 讓絕望陪我喝酒
Let me play with unease and drink with hopelessness
Then show me how it would be tomorrow
說痛是禮物的 說淚是領悟的
If you say pain is gift, tear is lesson
夠了 夠了
That is enough
說天因為黑過 才可以更亮的
If you say the sky only can brighter after the darkness
謝了 謝了
Thank you anyway
讓痛是無用的 讓淚是無用的
Make pain is useless and tear also useless
彼此 放過
Let both of us go
隨我是有用的 或根本無用的
Let me be useful or useless
隨我 快活
Just on my own
Don't remind me how brave I am
我真想好好輸給心裡 的怪獸
I want to lose myself to the beast inside my heart
讓自閉為我唱歌 讓迷失陪我走走
Let me sing for close myself, let me walk until lost myself
Then show me how my dreams will be
說痛是禮物的 說淚是領悟的
If you say pain is gift, tear is lesson
夠了 夠了
That is enough
說天因為黑過 才可以更亮的
If you say the sky only can brighter after the darkness
謝了 謝了
Thank you anyway
讓痛是無用的 讓淚是無用的
Make pain is useless and tear also useless
彼此 放過
Let both of us go
隨我是有用的 或根本無用的
Let me be useful or useless
隨我 快活
Just on my own
無聊是有用的 無邪是無用的
Boring is useful innocent is useless
有何 不可
Why it is not OK?
無常是有用的 無明是無用的
Anitya is useful ignorance is useless
錯就 對了
When you are wrong, you are right
無用是有用的 或根本沒用的
Useless is useful or useless
有何 不同
Is any different?
當我是有用的 或偶爾無用的
When I'm useful or sometimes is not
像也 不錯
It seems good...