浜崎あゆみ progress english translation
浜崎あゆみ progress song lyrics
浜崎あゆみ progress translation
I was afraid of simple days so long ago
複雑な日々こそ 悲しいのを知ってる
I know now it's complicated days that are sad
I don't mean to say I want to return
心がほら 背中で叫んでる
My heart wants to believe, and look,
it's shouting in my back, "You aren't wrong at all"
同じ時を刻んで 同じ未来信じてる二人
Two of us are having the same time and believing in the same future
昨日の涙も 今日の笑顏を真実のまま
Our tears yesterday and our smiles today are both true
同じ痛みを知って 同じ優しさ持ち寄った
Because we know the same pain,
明日を生きて行ける 強さに変えていくから
bring along the same tenderness
あの時に あの場所にいて
And change them into the strength to
戦って いた自分が
live on tomorrow
すべては 今を選ぶためだったとしたなら
I was fighting at that time, at that place
向き合えず 置き去りなまま
If all my deeds were to choose the way I am now
I wonder if it's because I want to be forgiven
That I want to forgive my past I
couldn't face, I left behind and looked away from
僕らがただ自由で いられたあの頃は遠くて
The days we could just be free are far past
And though we can't spend the days
with just innocent smiles now
僕らは進んでいく それでも進み続けてく
We go forward, we continue to go forward even so
何かを信じられる 心が残ってるから
Because we still have the hearts to believe in something
ねえ 僕らはこれまでだって これからだって
You see? We haven't and will not
Want much at all
同じ時を刻んで 同じ未来信じてる二人
Two of us are having the same time and believing in the same future
昨日の涙も今日の 笑顔も真實のまま
If we know the same pain, bring along the same tenderness
同じ痛みを知って 同じ優しさ持ち寄った
Because we know the same pain,
And can change them into the
強さに変えて行けたなら きっと
strength to live on tomorrow, surely...